I feel this strong NEED to travel.
I was looking through my pictures in Italy and in Edinburgh and i suddenly felt REALLY homesick.
Which is wierd, because both places werent my home.
And the funny thing is, i dont feel homesick for THE place
[ok mebbe a bit for the place because both places were wonderful!]
but rather, all the travelling,
being in new places,
meeting friendly locals,
never knowing what your gonna do next because NO WAY IN HELL can the thing that your doing ever be a part of your everyday routine.
Breathing that exotic air, feeling like ur on an adventure.
I miss it so much i could cry this very moment.
Its heartbreaking.
I've had enough of Malaysian beaches thank you very much
Because its Malaysia theres just not that extra zing to it
the "OMG i can be lost at any moment in a foreign country and all i can rely on is my survival skills"
the adventure,the thrill its even better than chocolate
even better than sex i should think [not that i would know of course,heh]
I tell u it is such a rush.
I wanna be lost in a foreign country.
I wanna go walking around dependant on a map
I wanna converse with locals based on my new found knowledge thru a language book
i want it all.
and yet,it seems so impossible rite now.
its so frustrating i feel like pulling all my hair off and screech like a banshee.