vendredi 19 décembre 2008


The time is now 10.44 pm
44 minutes past the time i designated as my bedtime
which is 10 pm to u ppl who cant count :p

Tomorrow I have to wake up at 3 AM
To catch a taxi at 4.15 AM
for my flight at 6.40 AM

I know,
its beyond tolerable
What sane people would be awake at such time

The good news is,
I'll reach Paris at 9.25 am
and get to spend the WHOLE day in that city I LOVE SO MUCH
j'adore Paris!!!

Daria and I will be shopping,having coffee,visit museums and just lounge around as Parisians for a day
Then the next day we shall take the train to Nancy,
Beautiful beautiful Nancy :)


Bear in mind that even though I seem happy,
always ALWAYS at the back of my mind I am aware that I have those frightening exams in January which frankly just makes me noxious


ok thank u and gudnite
see u soon
kiss kiss muah muah

i LOVE this video!
I would KILL for beyonce's body
I want that kind of body
Not to mention,those kind of moves ;p

mardi 16 décembre 2008

the heart of the matter,

je suis hereuse!!!
j'ai fini mon examen français
l'examen français était très difficile!

now u should get that,
it was not too difficult,was it?
Unlike my french exam
which was,to be honest, not impossible
but it was quite a shock
I didnt expect it to be that hard
So im glad I spent the last two days cooped up in my room studying for it
[Dulu arab takde pulak nak study mcm tu kan?haha]

On the bus to uni,
I was memorising my french verbs when someone nudged me from behind
It was this old man who kindly offered to help me with my french
I dont know HOW much he could have taught me in the 15 minutes it took me to get to uni
But i was touched by the offer,nevertheless :))

After the exam,
I decided to treat myself to a little eye candy
not of the breathing hunky male variety,mind u ;p
But something less human, and more pleasurable
[at least for moi]
a trip to le grand magasins!
Harvey Nichols!Selfridges!
I saw Moschino Cheap & Chic, Paul & Joe, Twenty8Twelve
Armani Collezioni!
Just to name a few of my favourite brands.
Unfortunately, yours truly is currently broke
And if I werent broke, no way in hell could I afford any of those clothes without help from daddy dearest or an extravagant sale
My Marithé et François Girbaud shirt was already stretching the limit but I consider it an investment
[and wait till u see this shirt it is TOO die for,simply one of a kind! :)]

Suffice to say, my grand stroll was soothing to the eyes
And I immediately texted maman dearest because I miss our grand tours of the department stores ;p

Lately I'm missing ibu more and more
Its getting worse nowadays to the point I can actually imagine lying with her on the bed
having our long conversations
the feel of her, the smell of her haha!
[bukan ibu smelly tau ;p its just those moments are comfortable and familiar and i miss them!]
I'm guessing its because everyone is going back for winter holidays
And ma famille is going to Australia TOMORROW
it makes me miss home more

That is why this trip to France next Saturday is going to be good
I'm gonna see Daria!
And i've missed her
I miss our deep talks and the not-so-deep ones ;p
Our Urban Outfitters raids, our sushi sessions
And this time around its gonna be even more great cause its FRANCE!

Now all I have to do is revise a little before my trip! :)))

like thats ever gonna happen.

p.s u know wut else i miss?
more eye candy!
[now of the breathing hunky male type variety]
so i present to u,
my four most FAVOURITE boys
[theyre not exactly boys but who cares,haha]
James Mcavoy and Gerard Butler -both scottish
Henry Cavill and Ben Barnes - both english
notice a trend here? ;p
[i would mention Johnny Depp but dia kan suami so he doesnt count ;p]

i LOVE them.

samedi 13 décembre 2008

Madame Bovary c'est moi

Im in a rather peckish mood
and I feel the need to

But I confess,
I know not what to blog about.

Ok here goes:

Lately Im suffering through a certain ennui
of life, if u please

I cant wait for winter holidays to begin
so I can go to France and have a legitimate excuse for not studying
Being cooped up in Manchester just makes me feel guilty of not doing enough work

I finished my Sociology essay!
[only the first draft tho,still need to revise at least two three times before the final piece]
I finished reading all the chapters for Economics!
[tho I still DONT understand a single thing so I shall read all again in January ;p]

I have a French exam on Tuesday
But I'll only start revising tomorrow
So I have a little me time now before I have to get ready for tonight's big surprise dinner
celebrating Nariza's 20th
[even though she knows about it ;p]

Lately, I've been listening to Claude Debussy a lot
If you're new to classical music,
have a listen to his "Claire de Lune"
its one of my favourite and is the sound of utmost tranquility
and,in a way,romance as well :)
"L'isle Joyeuse" is also quite mesmerizing
J'adore Claude Debussy
He fills my soul with magic.

I have this dream of being a certain kind of person:
Quite mature [which im not]
Quite tall [ which im DEFINITELY not]
Elegant looking with an abundance of charm and wit
[Any hint of sarcasm dripping from my mouth would also just be considered as a very clever display of wit]
Quite eloquent [ this I can strive for,I hope]
An enigma.
I would like to be a person with character,
Someone brave, a regular ball-buster
More Lauren Bacall than Audrey Hepburn.
Not really the belle of the ball,
but someone with more depth.
More than what meets the eyes.
Someone VERY independent.

Now thats who I would love to be
I think its achievable at 21,dont you?
Or rather 22 [it IS the end of the year]

My apologies for all this purposeless ramblings,
I will probably delete this post after,haha.

mardi 9 décembre 2008

a little bit of fluff,

if you know me at all
you know im not perfect
[i'm far from it]

and you know i have this constant need to be the best
to be the only one...
ok im not making sense here

what i'm trying to say is,
if theres a thing i like,
i like to be the only one who likes it
if theres a thing i have,
i like to be the only one who has it,
if theres a word i like to say,
i like to be the only one who says it
[ok i'm willing to bend a bit over this one ;p]

So it really ANNOYS me to unbelievably huge proportions
that TWILIGHT is on everyone's lips nowadays
ok im not saying im the ONLY one who read the book
[im not that self-centered u know ;p]
but it is quite QUITE irritating how its suddenly this big phenomena
[believe me i was like this when " I Captured the Castle" became a movie as well as the remake of "HAIRSPRAY]

little girls are gushing over Edward Cullen
[or giggling in the cinema, as Mus'ab puts it]
and TWILIGHT TWILIGHT TWILIGHT is all I hear nowadays
either people like it or they dont
and it doesnt matter whether u like it or u dont
[because personally, i disagree with the casting as well,
Henry Cavill would have made a much more drool-worthy Edward Cullen!]

to be honest,
I guess a source of my frustrations is the fact that its not out yet in Les Royaume-Unis
Thus I have not had the privilege[if u can call it that] to watch it yet
And even with all the crappy reviews,
Im still dying to watch it,
as I always do with all my other novels-turn-movies
[By the way, do u notice there is a trend for the movies to be fairly disappointing when compared to the novels?]

So there u go,
another honest ranting

On that note, heres another movie I await with breathless anticipation:

"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"

also inspired by a short story
written by F.Scott Fitzgerald
u know, author of "The Great Gatsby"
[ Now theres another novel I hold in fond memories - Jay Gatsby will always have a piece of my heart!]

the castings not too bad with the likes of Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett, and Julia Ormond
Have a look at the trailer
The storyline is exactly the kind of whimsical tale that I love so much :)

Other than that,
"The Picture of Dorian Gray" is another interesting movie to look out for
the book was written by the infamous Oscar Wilde [ of the grave-kissing in Paris *wink*wink*]
and guess whos gonna be Dorian Gray?
Ben Barnes himself!
So sue me if I think he's dishy,hes adorable in "Easy Virtue" :))

So thats something to look forward to as well ;))

Till then,my love
Im gonna cook me up some food.

Ciao Ciao!

lundi 8 décembre 2008

a dream within a dream...

Do u know,
I have loads to blog but nothing comes to mind right this minute.

I have this GLORIOUS plan of writing my essay in half an hours time.
The title:

"What major changes have affected the role of women in the workplace? To what extent do these changes represent an improvement on the welfare of women?"

Yes,folks, its very sad and I have to come up with 3000 words worth of crap
[based on the ten[count 'em TEN!] books I researched]
But hopefully HOPEFULLY I will succeed enough to earn a high first class in this module? :))
plus I have a maths assessment to do tonite due tomorrow
And a French exam next week which is kind of scary if you think about it
This semester has definitely NOT been kind to me ;p

A thing to rejoice tho,
Next week is the last week of uni!
[but then we have exams when we get back so my time will probably be spent studying urgh :(]
And im jetting of to France next Saturday to stay with mon belle amie, Daria bolotine!
And then im spending new year's eve in London with that ol' gang from high school :)

A thing to NOT rejoice ;p
Ma famille is going to Gold Coast without MOI
Its enough to reduce a girl to tears
Oh well u cant have everything in life
Have a good time folks,
but please be so kind and remember ur lovely daughter here
And ikhlas congrats on finishing high school i expect to see u here in the VERY near future ;p

Heres something new [NOT!]
I have this wierd itch to travel again
But im guessing its mostly because im so fed up with coursework
and Ryanair is doing this amazingly cheap air tickets to amazingly exotic places
A weekend in Rennes,anyone?
At least, I can practice my french ;p

I'll end this post with a favourite poem of mine by the ever-famous Edgar Allen Poe

A Dream Within A Dream by Edgar Allan Poe

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow--
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand--
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep--while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?

have a good week folks
and before i forget,

dimanche 30 novembre 2008

lighter steps...

Remember when...

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and now,

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p.s i was inspired by Syafea, ha ha
now i have a bone to pick with all of you,
how come no one told me I looked like THAT??!!

samedi 29 novembre 2008

Dylan toujour

I need to study.

but what am I doing?
watching the original Beverly Hills 90210
the first season!

its like watching my childhood all over again :)

mercredi 26 novembre 2008

do i do

I know its sudden
we fell in love.

whats a girl to do ;)


keep it hush-hush
dont want the media involved now,do we? ;p

dimanche 16 novembre 2008

la vie en rose!

mon cheri amour,
Paris c'est magnifique!!!!
J'adore le Paris! J'adore le francais!!!
Je voudrais habite à Paris plus tard!!
joindrez-vous moi?

La Opera Garnier

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La Tour Eiffel

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Arc de Triomphe

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Pont Neuf

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Cathedrale Notre Dame di Paris

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Jardin du Luxembourg

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La Tour eiffel a nuit!

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Moulin Rouge!

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La Cafe des Deux Moulins!

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Cimetiere du Edith Piaf

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Musee du Louvre

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Mona Lisa

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dimanche 9 novembre 2008

A little bit of honesty


does'nt the postcard in my hands look EXTRA familiar? ;p
as u all well know,yours truly just returned from les ville des lumières,Paris!
I dont really feel like blogging about that now

What I would really like to do is write an ode
An ode to all the things that I hate
Here goes :

I hate it when your slow
I hate it when your indecisive
I hate it when your weak
I hate it when your unorganized
I hate your little sarcastic jokes
I hate the way you smile
I hate when your annoying
I hate when your a mess
I thought we were compatible
I guess were really not.

So lets call the whole thing off.
Different countries make different people make different personalities.
I never noticed this.
I know this now.

Sorry for all the angst
Im supposed to have passed those years,
but i guess not.

lundi 22 septembre 2008

All dressed up in love

[Brace yourself folks, this is gonna be a long one]


Recently i've found myself utterly fascinated by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, a french painter who is famous for portraying provocative images of the decadent Parisian lifestyles,
mostly involved in theatres and near Montmarte, which he loved.
Theres just something about his tragic life that seems romantic
[though i dont know why, due to an illness his legs ceased to grow so he was extremely he used to spend a lot of time at brothels...but still, its romantic dont ask me why,heh]

The picture above is one of his most famous paintings,
of dancer Louise Weber who created the French can-can,
and performed at the Moulin Rouge under the La Goulue.
Here lies another tragic story but pls google urself if u wanna find out more about le toulouse or Louise Weber

Moving on,
Autumn is here!!!!!!!
And here are some Autumn/Winter 2008-9 fashion trends that I dearly LOVE:

first up, is SUPER-SIZED jewellery


which goes extremely well with the next trend i love,
long tunics and trousers which looks so chic!


[dont u just love her hat as well!]

next trend is over-the-knee boots!
Arent they amazing :)


the last fashion trend i love is courier satchels!
I've always loved 'em so its great that its in trend now :)
slung low on the hips, it is tres tres chic
[if u ask me its a classic anyways so its always in trend ;p]


modeled by our fav new Brit model, Agyness Dean, this photo even includes the over-the-knee boots!

Other than that, designers nowadays are all taking after Scarlet O'Hara's famous swishy skirt from Gone with the Wind


as shown in Oscar de La Renta,


Alexander Mcqueen,


Next, I love love love this styles
and i would love love love to be as nicely dressed
[Now all i have to do is find a cheaper version ;p]

Paul and Joe,




Paul Smith,


Now, for that necessary WHIMSICAL~ touch
i bring u...Luella!
I love their Autumn/Winter 2008-9 collections from the catwalk report :)))

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I ADORE the bag in the picture!
And the way she wore the coat and the dress :)))

I have decided i will keep a fashion log
because i have all this magazines and NO WAY am i taking all of them back with me to Manchester
but there are some styles i really love,
so im gonna cut up them pictures and create my own fashion log!

Autumn 2008 is gonna be awesome
I cant wait to go back to Manchester ;)

dimanche 21 septembre 2008

Baby mine

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mercredi 23 juillet 2008


I feel this strong NEED to travel.
I was looking through my pictures in Italy and in Edinburgh and i suddenly felt REALLY homesick.
Which is wierd, because both places werent my home.
And the funny thing is, i dont feel homesick for THE place
[ok mebbe a bit for the place because both places were wonderful!]
but rather, all the travelling,
being in new places,
meeting friendly locals,
never knowing what your gonna do next because NO WAY IN HELL can the thing that your doing ever be a part of your everyday routine.
Breathing that exotic air, feeling like ur on an adventure.
I miss it so much i could cry this very moment.
Its heartbreaking.

I've had enough of Malaysian beaches thank you very much
Because its Malaysia theres just not that extra zing to it
the "OMG i can be lost at any moment in a foreign country and all i can rely on is my survival skills"
the adventure,the thrill its even better than chocolate
even better than sex i should think [not that i would know of course,heh]
I tell u it is such a rush.

I wanna be lost in a foreign country.
I wanna go walking around dependant on a map
I wanna converse with locals based on my new found knowledge thru a language book
i want it all.

and yet,it seems so impossible rite now.
its so frustrating i feel like pulling all my hair off and screech like a banshee.

mardi 22 juillet 2008

as you desire

yesterday i decided to treat myself
so i drew myself a VERY hot VERY foamy bubble bath
and enjoyed it with a good Julia Quinn novel,my ipod, and a cup of steaming hot apple green tea

And afterwards,for the whole night, my bathroom was filled with the scent of orange blossoms
[This was due to the fact that i had snatched ibu's orange blossom foaming oil as well as bath gel and poured a healthy dose inside my bath tub]

Speaking of orange blossoms, i recalled a novel i once read about a princess
A princess who was very partial towards Orange Blossoms,
A princess who was tall, blond and in possession of a very furry gigantic dog named Wagner
To state the obvious, the princess is in fact an exact opposite of moi.
But heres where im hoping that may be SOMEDAY i might be blessed with the same fate as the princess

You see the princess was in grave danger,
and decided to disguise herself as a maid in a hunting cabin in SCOTLAND
where she met a very tall,very dashing,drop dead gorgeous,very virile,very alpha male-y,[unfortunately] very blonde, very masculine guy
And if u cant already guess,the guy would be the hero of said novel of course

And similar to all wonderfully written romance novels,
the guy ends up with the princess but not before all the drama, a little bit of violence,some romantic interludes,and all those things we do so love in romance novels just to give it a little bit of spice

Now i know it is just a novel,
And as novel goes, not a very realistic one at that.
But you know, reality can be a tad boring sometimes and you cant help yearning for more
[Especially when compared with people with no imagination whatsoever and are satisfied with their dull and boring lives]

But i wouldnt yearn for all that grave danger nonsense,
just for something interesting,
somthing extraordinary to happen
something whimsical.

And that is why my most favourite word of all time is WHIMSY.
and someday when i die, i would like people to look back and think.
"Remember Iman, she was always so whimsical"

so again,
here is my full-fledged promise,
to never be tied down by anything ordinary,
or to ever be satisfied with anything less than the most amazing things that could ever happen to ones'self

Now dont u agree that is a much much MUCH better way to live one's life?

vendredi 27 juin 2008

its time to break the habit.

ok so i know
i havnt been blogging for waaaayyy too long
and the only reason why im blogging now is because i hav something important to share!!!

i think i have diabetes
i might die soon
interesting isnt it?

ok since way back in manchester
i started getting addicted to the pick n mix gummies kan?
especially d strawberry ones and the sour cherries
[actually i had no choice cuz the others had pork gelatine kan,heh]
anywaaaayyyss, whenever we went to the cinema i wud hav a bundle of the pick n mix
but in manchester it wasnt so bad
1. i didnt hav it so often
2. i had raw vegetables evryday without fail

now here in malaysia
where there is endless amount of oily food
and not enough of raw vegetables
i start to skip meals,
like have a few oily food and not eat the rest of d day
since its so hard to eat raw vegetables here i dunno why
[because makanan lain lagi sedap kot,heh]
and now i start to skip all my meals,
except breakfast of course cuz thats when i get my yummy yummy coffee and cereal and weet-bix
and instead of having a proper meal for lunch or dinner
i start snacking on junk food
and hav that stupid gummies EVERY single day
and ibu wud say "why ru eating so much sugar?"
and i wud say "relaaaax. its the only thing i eat"

but actually its NOT ok
take today for example,
i had my yummy breakfast but i was in a rush so i didnt finish it
then for lunch i had some raw vegetables with a few slivers of chicken je and a few spoons of cendol
then since we were in pavilion we went to the loaf and i had a tall cafe americano,sugarless
and a few bites of the bread
BUT, i bought a big bag of the gummies
and snacked on a LOT of it

so after i got home at abt 9 something
i though ok even tho i was quite hungry i cud skip dinner since i had a lot of d gummies
but then around 10 something i started to get this attacks
which was quite strange,because back then when i only started to crash diet i sometimes only had a piece of bread, or two kiwis A DAY.

But this hunger attack was quite strange,
i felt like i was gonna faint and i NEED FOOD NOW.
so i went downstairs and had two kiwis,one ayam goreng kunyit,one mcd nugget,3 digestive biscuits n half a bagel
and it was while eating the kiwis that i realised i was actually SHAKING

and i knew that when u hav that shaking thing its because of diabetes or something
so i told le mere,
and she said im suffering from sugar rush or something,
like my sugar level went up and low very quickly[due to all the gummies ive consumed this past few days]
aaand ibu said u cud die or get heart attacks as well
[no wonder i was complaining the other day jantung sakit kan sharmi?;p]

so now
i hav to start eating right again,
no more skipping meals and having loads n loads of gummies instead
in fact,gummies are banned from my palate
and starting tomorro,
i hav to start eating more raw vegetables again
and to my friends consider this a warning for u too
no matter how i beg,heh

vendredi 13 juin 2008


Malaysia is so totally unbelievable
it feels like ive never even left :)
and i love the weather!

ok im not dumb enough to actually enjoy a walk outside
but just sitting in my room and opening the balcony door with the fan on is heaven enough :)

and and and i finished reading "The Lost Duke of Wyndham"!

i shud definitely blog abt the last day in edinburgh,the bbq,miss kaka's visit
but i am SO lazy

instead guess whos going to the Giuseppe Zanotti end-of-season sale preview??!!!!
thats rite folks, MOI
since ibu got an invite and i alredi RSVP-ed!
i cant waaaaaaaaaaiiit
even tho to buy anything is like to throw away ur life savings,heh
but there will b free cocktails,
and beautiful beautiful to-die-for wonderfully made italian shoes
so its good enough

now if ONLY Olivia Morris wud open a KL boutique,heh

jeudi 5 juin 2008

pinch me and tell me its not a dream

Hayle's bbq yesterday was sooo much fun
but i'll blog abt that later w/ pictures included
I am SO behind schedule
today my miss kaka will arrive im excited
n tonite we hav a flat buffet thing in honour of lauren's bday

01 JUNE 2008
8.19 am
Having breakfast now w/ Monica and writing them postcards.
Today were going on a 1-day tour to Stirling Castle,The Trossach n Loch Lomond
which means we'll b going around the Highlands!
Hope it will b a sunny day n i bet d place wud b gorgeous enough to bring tears to my eyes
Who knows - I might b inspired to write my best ever romance novel here! :)

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2.55 pm
In Aberfoyle now having lunch,on our way to Loch Lomond
Outside there are some REALLY fat sheeps
Ibrahim wud b in sheep heaven ;)
We passed thru the Highlands and it was breathtaking
Stirling Castle was amazing as well,but somehow it cant compete with the Highlands
Its like something from a forgotten memory
Remind me again, why hav i not moved here?

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5 pm
No we are on a cruise on the Loch Lomond,
its not that rainy now so its really beautiful with all the amazing castles :)

8.15 pm
Back from our day trip and its raining now in Edinburgh
It figures, it was bound to happen sooner or later
Currently having dinner at the ROyal Mcgregor which is said to serve the best haggis on the Royal Mile
We shall see :)
If it continues to rain were going back to the hostel
I feel really really sad
its our last nite here
and tomorrow were going back to reality :(

the Highlands -