samedi 13 décembre 2008

Madame Bovary c'est moi

Im in a rather peckish mood
and I feel the need to

But I confess,
I know not what to blog about.

Ok here goes:

Lately Im suffering through a certain ennui
of life, if u please

I cant wait for winter holidays to begin
so I can go to France and have a legitimate excuse for not studying
Being cooped up in Manchester just makes me feel guilty of not doing enough work

I finished my Sociology essay!
[only the first draft tho,still need to revise at least two three times before the final piece]
I finished reading all the chapters for Economics!
[tho I still DONT understand a single thing so I shall read all again in January ;p]

I have a French exam on Tuesday
But I'll only start revising tomorrow
So I have a little me time now before I have to get ready for tonight's big surprise dinner
celebrating Nariza's 20th
[even though she knows about it ;p]

Lately, I've been listening to Claude Debussy a lot
If you're new to classical music,
have a listen to his "Claire de Lune"
its one of my favourite and is the sound of utmost tranquility
and,in a way,romance as well :)
"L'isle Joyeuse" is also quite mesmerizing
J'adore Claude Debussy
He fills my soul with magic.

I have this dream of being a certain kind of person:
Quite mature [which im not]
Quite tall [ which im DEFINITELY not]
Elegant looking with an abundance of charm and wit
[Any hint of sarcasm dripping from my mouth would also just be considered as a very clever display of wit]
Quite eloquent [ this I can strive for,I hope]
An enigma.
I would like to be a person with character,
Someone brave, a regular ball-buster
More Lauren Bacall than Audrey Hepburn.
Not really the belle of the ball,
but someone with more depth.
More than what meets the eyes.
Someone VERY independent.

Now thats who I would love to be
I think its achievable at 21,dont you?
Or rather 22 [it IS the end of the year]

My apologies for all this purposeless ramblings,
I will probably delete this post after,haha.

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