dimanche 30 novembre 2008

lighter steps...

Remember when...

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

and now,

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

p.s i was inspired by Syafea, ha ha
now i have a bone to pick with all of you,
how come no one told me I looked like THAT??!!

13 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…


u shud be on oprah or sumtin..

Syafea Wahid a dit…

i cant believe until now the above 3 pictures were u last time.
sumpah i cant accept it.haha

Anonyme a dit…

wow iman. i cant even remember those days when u were so comel.
sekarang hot meletup2. not that dulu tak hot pon kat sekarang hotter u. padanlah suami u johny depp.

Anonyme a dit…

Hello kak iman,
fatima's here.

wahhh, kak iman looks more different than usual okayyyyy! (:

btw, how are youuu?

Abdul Q a dit…

wow you are so hebat lah iman! very inspirational indeed! but out of all those pictures kan, tudung rasanya sama jee. hahaha

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

musab: thank u lah memang my dream tu masuk oprah,heh ;p

syafea:tu lah even for me it was a vague memory, takut ooh tgk balik

sakina: sekarang tak hot meletup2 lagi,i need another 15 kgs then im satisfied, baru lah my famous husband tu tak carik lain

qayyum: thank uuuuuuuuuu! and ur rite abt the tudung lah,haha

Anonyme a dit…

when i saw the first pic....felt a strong sense of rinduuuuu.

and then i saw the second pic.

Hahahaha. tak igt pun gambar tu!!! gila comel.

you might have changed, but never change my love!

Anonyme a dit…

when i saw the first pic....felt a strong sense of rinduuuuu.

and then i saw the second pic.

Hahahaha. tak igt pun gambar tu!!! gila comel.

you might have changed, but never change my love!

Husna a dit…

iman. pls tell me ur secrets. i thot physiologically as u get older its even hard to lose the kgs, but u managed to do it superbly oh i hate u. pls dun tell me u starved urself to death. seriously looking real hottie now! jgn kurus sgt pls!

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

tina : hello darling cousin! Im still waiting for u to come here oook.when do u plan on seeing me??? and tolong lah jgn rindu the old me when u can always rindu the current me ;p and of course i'll never change and i hope u wont too!!! :)))

kak husna : he he he he theres a secret behind my success...it was because i desperately desperately wanted it and i put a deadline as well! even if i did starve myself a few days,heh,so i dun recommend u follow in my footsteps.
A good healthy diet and regular exercise should do the job! Plus it'll make u glow as well kan so u become lagi menawan ;)
but kak husna awak dah kurus gila dah why do u wanna lose weight?

Sarah A. a dit…

kak iman, you're the best la. now i have the drive to lose weight. :)

and btw, i love your trenchcoat! where'd u buy it?

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

im not sure if i am the best
but im touched u think so :))

and my trenchcoat sangat murah ok
from zara only
its the way u carry urself daaaaaaahhhliiing ;p!

Christian Girl in Harrods a dit…

Haha, more confidence babeeeeyyyy... You are ever gorgeous!! :D