Mrs. Gerard Butler, if you please
i am VERRRRY lazy to blog
but this is just something that needs to be said
P.S I love you is BEAUTIFUL
ok so maybe im a bit biased since my future husband is in it,
namely one dishy actor by the name of Gerard Butler
and so i may be looking at the movie thru rose-tinted glasses,
but wut the heck u dun get guys like that in real life!
especially one who looks so guuuud in a leather jacket and is just oozing charisma
and no one,i repeat,NO ONE, in this sad and cynical world could ever love as much as he did in the movie
and after pining away for him,
and checking out his picture evryday
[he is on my phone wallpaper u know ;)]
to just sit back and watch him do his magic for abt 2 hours is heaven
and ook the movie was great,
it really was but i tell u know one could hav played the part as well as Gerard Butler
was suppose to watch Sweeney Todd but it was full
thats another movie im dying to watch
of course because of perfect perfect johnny depp
[saw the trailer and i just love it when he sings!]
and and and
guess what??!!
"Penelope" is finally out!!!
u know how i like to browse imdb during my spare time and i found this movie
Ive been looking for d dvd since 2006 and thought it wierd that even hmv wouldnt carry it
but turns out the movie wasnt out yet,
[which was a bit wierd since it was completed in 2006]
or mebbe it was out in the us alredi u know how slow uk is
that ones got james mcavoy in it!
and i love him in becoming jane
and he was good in atonement as well
so i cant wait to catch that one :)
all in all,
after my exam finally ends,
im gonna indulge in the movies
and daydream to my heart's content
i can hardly wait
25th January people
its the date to let down my hair,take of my shoes
and mebbe do the bossanova around Bowden Court
we'll see how THAT goes ;)
till then,
u know i miss u
p.s check out this advert, i saw it in the cinema...note they are speaking malay...and if it means wut i think it means,well, thats just plain nasty isnt it
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