jeudi 21 février 2008

what i did,

yesterday we celebrated my half birthday but i'll tell u that in another post,
today took a coffee with daria then sent her to the bus station
cuz she had to take the coach to the liverpool airport for her flight to paris
shes spending the weekend with remi :)

after that i didnt really feel like going back,
soooo i walked around
and ended up at the picadilly train station!
i love the train station,dont u :)
all those ppl rushing to and fro
and the platforms,
and the small cafes
theres something magical about it
or mebbe its just the thought of getting on a train and going somewhere
or picking up someone,
its nice :)

i had a fun 2 hours meandering abt the train station,
taking passport photos even tho i looked horrible today
[someone actually asked if i was sick!heh]
then i bought a novel and read a while at starbucks
and had my second vanilla latte of the day

it was guuuuuuuuud,
and i was contemplating my future a bit,
on how i wud be living alone next year
and daria and monica's not gonna be around anymore
usually when i think abt it i wud be really sad
but just now i felt like it wudnt be so bad,
i dunno why,heh
it was like im beginning to accept my fate,haha

ok gtg,
were playing bingo tonite :)

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2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

u wasted ur bloody money taking passport pictures that u dont even need?? said takde duit some more.. membazir kawan syaitan u know

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

it wasnt membazir to me
i appreciate these alone times i have and i get pleasure from doing something so whimsical :)