how shud i put this,
theres no words to describe my trip
it was unbelievably magical and words wud not do it justice
i need to write something anyways
so i'll jot a few things down
first things first,
my flight to Italy was good,
the guy in Munich gave me chocolates cuz i was Malaysian :)
and i met this really nice guy on the flight to Ancona
His name is Giovanni and he works in Iceland?or was it Netherlands i cant recall
Anywayss,he's italian but hes been living in the states,awhile in the Uk and other countries as well
He taught me some Italian,a few jokes,and gave me some advice about my future
Halfway thru i was ready to throw up cuz it was a really bumpy flight but we landed in Ancona safe and sound where Nicola and Monica picked me up! :)

the first few days in Italy was funny
NO ONE spoke english except Monica and her brother,
And i spent the first day following Monica to visit her director and then softball coach
then later at nite her friends,
the next day was Easter so they had a big family gathering with antipasti,primi,secondi,dolce!
it was great! and at nite we had dinner at Nicola's and repeated the whole thing all over again!
One thing,
Italian people,at least the ones i met,are so friendly and loving
In my opinion,they are v passionate and u cant help but get caught up in the whole atmosphere
The way they talk,their expressions and their very nature is just amazing
And i was reading these novels about Italy as well by Anthony Capella so i was really REALLY feeling the vibe
Throughout my stay we went to the mountains and played with snow,
To the beach,to Loreto,to the woods,
to Monica's softball practice
to her brother's office
shopping for Monica's present with her brother
Celebrating Monica's 24th!
Countless dinners with families and friends
And always always, i felt a part of the family
Her parents even called me their other daughter :)
And my Italian is nearly perfetto
Since no one spoke english, i had to speak Italian and i can actually hav a conversation now!
Plus i even walked around in the city centre by myelf and managed to communicate with the people just fine :)
I was Italian in every way except for the fact that im actually Malaysian lah
So to sum it all up,
My stay in Italy is an adventure i wud never ever forget
One that changed me in evry way
And i really really REALLY did NOT wanna come back to Manchester
[nor Malaysia actually]
one of the reasons why was because i discovered something in Italy
something i cant write here unfortunately,haha
And u know how u can visit a place,
and funnily enough u feel like u finally found home
well thats Italy for me,specifically the Marche region
And im not just saying it because i just got back,
im saying it because i REALLY MEAN IT
And i have officially decided
Once graduating i am moving back to italy and finding myself a very handsome,very passionate Italian husband
and we r gonna live in the countryside,preferably in the Marche region :)

p.s on my trip back i was stopped by the German police in Munich and i was so annoyed that i asked straight out did they stop me because im wearing the scarf
unfortunately, they manage to sneakily enough avoid the question
but it was all goood in the end and i got to treat myself to a very expensive german lunch and very delicious german ice cream afterwards haha!