vendredi 18 avril 2008

video killed the radio star

videos galore!!!!
so im posting some videos here finally
and i've decided to just put everything together cuz i cant b bothered to blog
again and again and oh yeah! again
its not like im very busy actually,its mainly sheer laziness :)
the list includes :
the complete street dance we did on Msian Nite
a few videos from italy
a video in Pavilion as well
a warning: theres a video where im laughing like a hyena
pls bear in mind that i do not normally laugh like that,heh
but if i do anyways,pretend u dun think so :p

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

very entertaining!

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

thank u thank u
which one?
yg sharmi punya tu ke? :)