mercredi 4 avril 2007


today was aaawesome
because of a couple of things of course
so,to make matters easier
lemme list it down for y'all kay!

1.i got me a PTT!or rather,the clyde dude helped get me the PTT[Push to Talk]thank from now on,i can hav walkie talkie conversations from me handphone for only rm15 a month [cmon ppl go activate yours bole kite jakun-jakun bersama-sama]
2.Katie Macalister's new novel is innnnn!!![no,not the aisling one] its called "the Last of the Red-Hot Vampires"...sadly,i couldnt buy it because i was lacking in,ehem,cash.BUT,i did manage to hide about 5 behind other books so there will still be copies when i buy it tomorro,mwahahahaha
3.Its kinokuniya's 6th anniversary!! yayyayyyayy...happy birthday!! and in honour of that birthday,if you spend rm150 in a single receipt,you get 20% off for 6 MONTHS!!double yayyyyyy!!!so tomorro im dragging ibu to kinokuniya :)
4.i dun usually check my myspace friend request but today i dunno why i felt like looking thru it...And whadya know?!! one of my favourite new,up and coming author actually requested to be my friend!!!! [her name is Kelley St.John,btw] now this totally cinched the deal to this being a super great dayyy!!!! :)

p.s another reason why this day was so awesome was because it was experienced with my love ones...morning,afternoon,AND nite!
luv u guys :)

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11 commentaires:

il y a a dit…

alahai sopan nyeeeeeee.. jgn terpedaya wey, dua ekor ni ada tanduk mencucuk cucuk, esp yg ada sunglasses tu lagi ah, ketua dia

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

eh tolong lah
kite dah la little miss prim and proper
tade tanduk punya :p

il y a a dit…

ha tgk tu.. tgk tgk.. dah kluar tanduk dah..

Anonyme a dit…

long time no see n hear from sharmie..
hilang entah mane..

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

i dont see no tanduks :p
ilya ni delirious kot,haha

tulaa yesterday kami ingat nak melawat lu

hudzaifah a dit…

per main tanduk tanduk ni? yala, long time no heard bout sharmie. iman, ni nak tanye, the books you read, you simpan ke? mesti da banyak. tak terpikir nak dispose ke some of them? if you have something like that in mind, give me la, i sell ebay with no royalty to you la. hahaha. terms and conditions apply.

il y a a dit…

IM delirious? u go check ur myspace now.. mannn

si tanduk si tanduk

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

tanduk tanduk di myspace itu saya sendiri letak for FUNNNNNNNNNN

saja melayan uuu ok,haha

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

banyak GILA
and makan space
but i keep ALL of it
mcm sayang je cuz some of em susah nak cari copy dah
y'know those old old books

the ones yang saya tak minat can laah
nnt we talk-talk business ok :p

il y a a dit…

aaaahhhhh! tanduk all the same jugak


Iman Kamarudin a dit…

if i hav tanduks
well,so do u honey :p