mardi 3 avril 2007

maulidur Rasul

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

21 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

thats muiz masood yang imans having dirty thoughts with..

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

iman is NOT having dirthy thoughts no more
she has seen the light
or rather muiz masood for wut he REALLY is
haha,dramatic je

Anonyme a dit…

iman admits she WAS having dirty thoughts..
shame on you..

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

i'll always admit whenever i hav dirty thoughts

gatal gila je bunyi,heh

il y a a dit…

and that is sooooooooooooooooooooo iman lah hahaha

il y a a dit…

oi which one is muiz?

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

whats so iman?
the gatal gilaor always admiting? :P

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

yang tinggi gila with the sheikh yang wearing black jubah from the first group of pictures

or better yet,awak google je die

il y a a dit…

iman the gatal gila hahaha

oh? famous isit? siapa tu siapa siapa? ok lah ill go google

Anonyme a dit…

satgie berebut jugak..

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

i dont want him
i dont like him
he's a phony lah

il y a a dit…

errr.. he cannot be googled lah plak..

satgi berebut? eh pls

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

haha,nvm je lah
tak ingin pon nak berebut this one
i dont like him

Anonyme a dit…

phony itu apa?
aku google die kata not genuine or insincere, hypocrit, impostor
fake , giving false impression, pretentious..

die phony like dat kah?

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

asal phony je terus pedophile???????
cuak gila lu ni
aku sensitive oh bab2 pedophile ni,heh

nnt i'll tell u kay long story lah :)

il y a a dit…

ok keep me posted jugak haha

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

will do!!!
awak online laaa

Anonyme a dit…

buy me an aviator satu pls..

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

u wantan aviator?
as in the sunglasses??
why so sudden?

il y a a dit…

oi im always online laaa.. ok la not always.. tapi ada je..

invi invi..

Anonyme a dit…
