dem good ol' days
Rogue:"REMY! Is it you?! Is this REAL?!?"
Remy: "I can prove it wit' a KISS. But dat'll likely put a crimp in our conversation since your power makes me pass out."
Rogue: "Don't joke please. Just HOLD me. So ah can pretend ah'm safe."
Remy: "In my arms, chere, you always will be."
Rogue: I thought you'd appreciate me makin' you an ol' fashion Cajun meal with muh own two hands.
Gambit: If I made a list of things to do "with your own to hands" -- stirrin' Gumbo wouldn't be on it.
Rogue: Ya' certainly know how to get under a girls skin.
Gambit: I'm trying
X-Men #8
Rogue: Get outta here, Remy! While you can! Don't throw your life away.
Gambit: Girl, Don' you ever listen? Wit' out you... I don't have much of a life!
Remy: "I can prove it wit' a KISS. But dat'll likely put a crimp in our conversation since your power makes me pass out."
Rogue: "Don't joke please. Just HOLD me. So ah can pretend ah'm safe."
Remy: "In my arms, chere, you always will be."
Rogue: I thought you'd appreciate me makin' you an ol' fashion Cajun meal with muh own two hands.
Gambit: If I made a list of things to do "with your own to hands" -- stirrin' Gumbo wouldn't be on it.
Rogue: Ya' certainly know how to get under a girls skin.
Gambit: I'm trying
X-Men #8
Rogue: Get outta here, Remy! While you can! Don't throw your life away.
Gambit: Girl, Don' you ever listen? Wit' out you... I don't have much of a life!
Gambit: "When you see Rogue, tell her---tell her--- mon coeur et sa coeur....toujours!
Rogue:"Don't you ever get tired of listenin' to yourself?"
Gambit:Not when im talkin' bout you,chere"
Gambit: "What's wrong chere?"
Rogue: "You know what happens when I touch somebody! You wanna end up in the hospital?"
Gambit: "Maybe it's worth it, non?"
Gambit: "I think maybe you miss me, eh?"
Rogue: "I hate you"
Gambit: "I don't understand this woman"
Rogue: "I hate you"
Gambit: "I don't understand this woman"

quotes courtesy of x-men comics and FOX x-men cartoon
20 commentaires:
oops, die nak cium. mute mute. hahaha.
xmen ke? nahh, transformers!! haha
I'm from another universe and I can't work you out, ladyiman.
mute ape kes?
bende mmg tade bunyi..
mane ko blaja nih?
i agree with musab,
apa yang nak mute mute
no bunyi pon
alaa the kissing pon very PG,
or rather G je,haha
and ilya,
x-men best ooooohh
dulu i was THE biggest fan
watched the 1992 animation series
and read the comics
AND i simply ADORED gambit :)
its nice to meet someone from another universe :p
and its okay,not a lot of ppl understand me anyways
i was more of a transformer kid kot dulu2, haha.. but xmen's cool jugak la.. ala ala laa hahaha
me robocop..
ngn satria baja hitam..dgn motosikal blalang die uh..
x-men jugak
dont u think theyre characters tu very deep
i mean,take gambit for instance
real name remy lebeau,
was adopted and raised in N'awlins[New Orleans],Louisiana by the thieves guild leader jean luc lebeau
Then married belladonna,daughter to the leader of the assasins guild to unite the guilds
belle's brother disapprove,dueled with remy,lost
remy had to leave the guilds to prevent war
he travelled the world as a hired thief
was hired by mr.sinister,whom he did not know how siniter the guy was,heh
aided in the attack of a group of mutants,
felt guilty,
found a youthenized storm,rescued her
storm introduced him to x-men
fell in love with rogue,the feeling's mutual
alas,they only hav a platonic relationship since rogue cant touch nobody kan?
but when rogue did touch him,
found out abt his work with mr.sinister,
felt betrayed
and left him to fend for himself at antartica
but no worries,he got back lah and reconciled with rogue
now u tell me?
does the character have character?
or dont they?
and especially this red-hot cajun who is gorgeouuussssss
p.s sorry lah babble panjang gila,but subject gambit ni sensitive sikit lah,heh
i like x men jugak..
dulu ade whole set..
tapi video tape la buang ntah mane..
tp tade lah fanatic gile..
n since im collecting junks to watch for the long semester break..
gonna dl x-men all seasons..
n maybe justice league also..
n spider man..
n super man..
n family guy..
n my wife n kids..
n futurama??
naa..tak cukop space..
buy new hd?
naaa..duit da abes..
buy dvd kosong lah then?
naaa...malas ah..
blewb blewb bloooobbb~
baik baca quran buat amal idabat weyy
eh eh
if u wanna dl x-men
can u do it for me too???
pls pls??!!!
pretty pleassseeeee
the x-men animation yang 1992 tu ookaaay?
not x-men evolution...
or x-men evolution pon bole jugak lah,hahaha
but x-men aniation tu lagi penting
please please please
i support the cd kosong
how many u need???
even for u
my god, people
i am tengah rocking kim sam soon balik ni btw, hahaha
terima kasih kpd mereka2 yg terlibat
even for me?
8 lah like dat..
5 seasons..10 Gb++
kejap u want 8
so 8 for me jugak eh??
then one cd tu brape GB
or u want each cd is 10 GB
i dun get it
no no no...
1 dvd ade 4.7 Gb..
ade 10Gb so 3 cds je..
mane ade 4..
so multiply it by 2 n devide by 2x squred to the root of 21..
solve the semilar equation..
find the reynold number with try n error..
refer to moody chart..
get the value of V..
ganti dalam equation 1..
get the diameter..
with that use the affinity law to get the pressure head(H) n flow rate(Q)..
use affinity law again to determine flow rate 2(Q2)..
with Q2 known..get the H system (H2)..
plot the graf n find operating point and BEP..
get the pump most efficient power..
next calculate Y1 n Y2 with freud number given..
insert in momentum equation..
find the energy desipated in hydraulic jumps..
find Y critical and determine the zone in the channel..
with slope = 0.0002..
ignore friction..
and assume head lost is 5 meter..
and the elephant is not bathing in the river..neither the hippotamoos..
the croc is on the bank coz steves not bothering them anymore..
ok refusing to acknowledge all those other shitty stuff
[personally,i blame it on stress get some rest duuuude and dun worry too much,admire ur new girfriend shugah yang stylo-mylo itu ok?]
i need only 4 cd each for all five seasons?
and todays show is bought to you by the number '3'
uve officially gone bonkers :p
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