mardi 20 mars 2007

knock me off my feet

today was s-p-l-e-n-d-i-f-o-r-o-u-s
i went to my favourite secondhand cum rental bookshop
And i was waiting at the counter,about to pay
when this chinese lady came
[with her own stack of books which i could not help but notice contained romance novels,very like my own :)]

This lady smiled and told the cashier "I really liked the author you suggested to me last week"
on which the cashier herself replied "Yes,i've read all her books.She's great cuz her books combine romance and humour,and are very warm and touching"
Naturally,being the avid reader that i am[well romance novel reader lah if u will],i was very curious to know who was the so-called author that was being highly-spoken of
Imagine my suprise when it turned out to be none other than MY favourite author,

By that time, i was already filled with glee and could hardly contain myself
So when the cashier asked the lady "Have you read her latest novel?"
I couldnt help but pipe in "Natural Born Charmer??"
Turns out it wasnt "Natural Born Charmer",but her previous novel "Match Me if You Can"
But my question had turned the whole thing into a three-way conversation of all things Susan Elizabeth Phillips

"Isn't she just grand?"
"Dont you think she's just funny?"
"Was'nt "Aint she sweet" great?"
"Thats the one with the teacher yes?"
"Oh!how about the one with the football?"
"Which of her books would you recommend to me?"

I walked out of the shop feeling twice as much happier then when i came in
and Oh,twice as much poorer too
but to be honest,the books there are waaayyy cheaper than kinokuniya
So i get MORE books for a LOWER price :)

But, i am now and officially broke person
with nary a penny to my name
But,im more happy i guess
that counts for a lot, n'est pas? *smiles*

p.s i waaant a claddagh ring!!! ...wouldnt it be super cool if it were my engagement ring? ;)

23 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

kudos to a person who can read a novel in just an hour...

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

thank u thank u :)

il y a a dit…

ok ah kasi standing ovation skali

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

standing ovation?
dont u think that over the top?
its not like its some great feat pon :p

tapi i appreciate the effort lah from all u little people


Anonyme a dit…

little ppl?

wei, meh sini kasi aku pinjam one of ur hot books or novels, or watever u call it la..

jahat a promote gile gile. see now im quite interested to know more.

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

alaaa,u know when the stars make a speech nanti they'll thank the little people...
the people that should be mentioned,but not important enough to be named

uish my novels the best weyyyy
this particular author susan elizabeth phillips and also julia quinn[but her bridgerton series je lah] are the two authors yang can actually bring tears to my eyes

and others can make me laugh so hard sampai sakit2
memang magical lah these books

u guys shud try it
in fact,i think evryone shud try it
wud make the world a much more happier place punyalah :P

il y a a dit…

make ur jantung goes like errhhh uhhhh iihhh, like kena perah2, heartache, wonderful wonderful

Anonyme a dit…

dragon ball ngn rurouni kenshin lagi bes..
gelak pon tak igt..
bile buat power mcm gempak gile mesti teruje tak igt..
pastu bile da abes..
mcm sedey je..
why why why da habes??
sob sob

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

its not the same kot?
u dun get that sudden pang in ur heart from reading mangas or comics
[except fruits basket and the like lah :p]
plusss,its pictures
cmon people,pictures!

i prefer words lah
u know how some authors kan are soooo good that their play on words can make a thousand emotions surface from deep deep in your heart,
or turn a cold,unfeeling person into a warm,loving being

thats what i call magic,dontcha think? :)

Anonyme a dit…

never get that feelings from a book..

il y a a dit…

tu la musab, kau kena exercise jantung kau dgn baca buku2 mcm iman baca tuu.. baru ah aktif sket jantung kau tu.. plus berperasaan.. oops


Iman Kamarudin a dit…

i second ilya!~
baca these books kan rasa mcm heart attack pon ada,heh

Anonyme a dit…

heart attack?
better tak payah bace lah mcm tu..
korg exaggerate lebeyh..
padehal bende relaks je..

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

we are NOT exaggerating
*nods solemnly*

Anonyme a dit…

ape plus berperasaan?
aku berperasaan jugak ape..

il y a a dit…

dia bukan heart attack yg lethal tuuu.. ni yg pleasurable gila gila kan iman kan.. nods solemnly jugak lah

il y a a dit…

kau laahhh org yg plg berperasaan skali aku penah jumpa dlm dunia ni, musab

Anonyme a dit…

keco la korang. post me a book if you dare.

then, ill be the judge.


Iman Kamarudin a dit…

i agree with ilya
see this is the kind of heart attack u actually WANT
yang makes ur heart burst with perasaan and make u think
"aint life dandy"

post u a book?
gila ke?
mesti mahal tak ingat dunia punya
nanti i will pass u one lah
by hand siap :)

and i will pass one by hand to musab jugak

let u laki-laki see the beauty behind these books
then be man enough to tell us that its actually pretty damn good

or is that wishful thinking on my part?heh

Anonyme a dit…

paling berperasaan?
ko nih anti social agaknye..
go see people more lah..

il y a a dit…

and that was supposed to be an ouch?

Anonyme a dit…

tade lah ouch..
itch sikit2 je..
ade tak?

il y a a dit…

masalahnya, itch pon tak haha