coincidence?i think NOT
so i was browsin the net as usual lah kan when boredom strikes
...or any other time pon,heh
when i decided to look up one of my fav authors to see if theres any new books
when suddenly i stumbled upon a page where the author's books are actually published in other countries in the local language
and guess what book i saw first??
it was "The Duke and I"
published in Czech Republic!
duke. czech republic. romance novel.
i think not
im convinced that my some kinda wonderful is gonna happen soon
aaaaany day now
you think im crazy?
nope,im just optimistic *huge GRIN*

11 commentaires:
gud luck~
thank u thank u
ohh your somekind of wunnerful is about to happen, la la la, when you're happy, you'll blanje me, i want a powerbook pls, thank you iman, you're my somekind wunnerful ah ini mcm
bila ntah im happy i'll blanje u
no way jose lah
i belanja myself sudah
eh ilya nak dgr cerita gila tak??
i think kan within these 2 moths kan
i alredi spent abt rm400 on novels
gila riiiiiite?
tgh risau je dah pokai gila habis,heh
haha..hopefully your 'some kind of wonderful' happen to be true..
i link u ehh..
xbest pn~
i hope so tooo
aaaamiiin. :D
yeap! i'll link u too :)
btw, i liike ur blog layout lah
love the picture!!
bila? since i posted the comment ah, that's bila haha
rm400??? woii you can stuff me with aglio olio cukup utk sebulan for that! plus slurpee everyday on top of that!
bawak mengucap imann, haha
guess wut??
i just bought 3 new ones today
its worse than an addiction i tell ya
macam kene masuk rehab je,heh
Ya I so agree with you!
*prays hard with Iman ;)
most recent conversation with bam, i was using the desktop, he's using my laptop, duk atas katil senang-lenang.
me: kat umah damansara, bam tak guna laptop kak iman ke?
bam: kak iman tak bagi sebab bam dengan ikhlas sneak in bilik kak iman and pakai laptop dia. kak iman marah.
haha..aisey..sedih je bunyinya. ahha..
its the truth
shock of my life je
came home,
cant wait to baring-baring golek-golek on katil
went to my room,opened the door
and what do u know,
its MY room
and IM locked outside
mcm something wrong je with the picture,heh
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