romancing mr.bridgerton
so today went for the education exhibition in Mandarin Oriental for UCL,LSE,Imperial and King's College riite
Went with Amani if ur wondering and the education thing turned out to be just four booths with representatives from each uni
It was oookkkaaay lah i guess
On the way back decided to stop by Kinokuniya to pick up the book i ordered,haha
Sooo picked up the book and saw OTHER books[oh the temptation!]
But,i managed to refrain myself from buying more than one[yayy!]
Probably due to my lack of funds tho,rather than my AMAZING willpower,heh
Ok jap short story here,
did u know that "Natural Born Charmer" is innnnn???
ANd guess how muchhh??
100-somethin-bleedin bucks!!!
haiyooooo,rasa macam nak faint je just now
back to the original tale
Went to the counter to pay for my book
Everything was ready,my book nicely placed in my beloved kinokuniya bag
I reached to find my purse in my bag,and found...NOTHING
ok exaggerate a bit lah tu ,got la my ipod and sunglasses case and a letter from King's
But purse? No No itu tiada
I bet ur all thinking
Good God,the careless girl got mugged again for the,i dont know,,THIRD TIME!
....BUt,nothing so extreme laaa
i simply forgot to put it in my bag when i changed handbags,haha
I turned to the counter and looked sheepishly while saying"MMm...can i put the book back first because i seem to have left my purse with my friend"
And the very nice lady said"No no its ook we'll just keep it here and you can come back and pay for it"
Went crazy lah with Amani didnt know where to get the money from and i REALLY REALLY wanted the book it was the LAST copy dammit!
Soooo ayah suggested calling pakcik ano to pick us up,take us back to damansara,grab my purse and go to klcc again
Macam a waste of time kan?Not to mention,petrol,which is a waste of money jugaklah
Soooo i came up with a better solution:
Borrow from Pakcik Ano
MAluuu gilaaaaa!!!
I cannot describe the way i felt
But he was really nice abt it and he gave me 50 bucks
i immediately paid him back once we reached home
And the best part is I GOT THE BOOK
itu paling penting lah :D
Thats all for today folks
Now im gonna eat my dinner and go watch Akademi Fantasia with my family
i know i know i HATE Akademi Fantasia kan?
BUt,apparently Uncle Lan is the principal this time around so i must overcome my hatred[is that too strong a word?ok dislike lah,thats more mild yeah] to cheer and give him support
SO tutelooo people~~~
p.s oh before i forget...laydeesss...One reason to watch that new series the Tudor...well,one reason that is worth repeating five times lah
Henry Cavill
Henry Cavill
Henry Cavill
Henry Cavill
Henry Cavill
*Oh be still my BEATING heart*

By the way,
Henry Cavill is said to be acting in a movie called "Twilight" based on the novel by Stephenie Meyer
He also was in "I capture the castle" which was also based on a novel
Now the funny thing is i read both of these novels!!
"I capture the castle" i read waaayyy before it even became a movie and now "Twilight" is maybe gonna be one too
And guess wutt,
in "Twilight",if it does become a movie,he will be playing Edward
the gorgeous brooding vampire!
i cant waaaaiiitt
ok i'll shushhh now.
22 commentaires:
AF 5 mcm boring..dah boring AF tapi tgk for fun..for kutuk kutuk the students time boring. wicked
AF whatever pon memang tak best
but kene lah kasi support kan tu uncle lan
whut to do,heh
holy moly brolly jelly angelina jolie!
infatuation gila weyy nii!! hahahahahahaha
eh he looks a bit like jensen apa tu, yg dlm supernatural tuu
u cannot be infatuated or in love or whatever!!!
i saw him FIRST
dun turn this into a case of drake and sam shik ooh :p
oh my god lagi skali, will u stop that? he's public figure, meaning, he's to be shared.. fair lah itu mcm, hahaha.. ok, lepas ni i know what musab gonna say, that we're being delusional bla bla bla cant actually have him pon bla bla bla wasting our time bla bla bla
pandai nyeee ilya..
i look better..
so dont go rebut2 me ok?
first of all
tak kisah lah public figure or not i hav dibs on him
because i found him first :p
and ur wrong abt the delusional part
Because the difference between this one and drake or sam shik
Is that he is actually ALIVE
which means he is living in the current world
which means still ade possibility however slim it may be
dibs i found him firsssstttt!!!!
takpe takpe musab
we know better than to rebut-rebut uu
dua-dua takkan dapat,haha
ape itu still ade possibility however slim it maybe..
like wat??..1 in a bazillion..
and har har har jugak for d 2nd part..
ok lah u win, hands down, u'r more delusional than i thought, hahaha
pegi lah be that one in the trigaziquatrobazilion tuuu, ill resort tu anak pakcik tut tut je la kot
yeahhh musab, we wont waste our energy pon, sbb at the ennnnnnnnd, semua pon TO.NO.AVAIL.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaa
all i can say is...
stranger things HAVE happened
who r u to say its not possible :p
to quote cinderella kan...
[or was it her fairy godmother]
"no matter how your hard is grieving
if you keep on believing
the dream that you wish will come true"
so u just let me believe in my fairytales CAPISCE :p
ooooookayyy *hands waving in the air*
know why its called fairy tales??
cuz its not gonna happen lah..
when something is too good to be true..its
weel atleast not in ur life time..
so quoting from cinderella ruled out..
lets take a quote from napoleon Bonaparte
"Women are nothing but machines for producing childrens"
huk aloh
might as well quote Machiavelli while ur at it :p
itu quote takleh pakai punya
and pls lah this is the 20th century
women,machines for producing childrens?????
we might be called the weaker sex but we hav the bigger brain!
jangan mara ye :p
tak mara pon..
bigger brain tp dead load je..
so no point jugak..
har har har...
ru saying my brain is DEAD LOAD??!!!
no lah..
hello, im much more gorges then him ok? hahahahahahahaha
are u for real?
tersedak tersembur sembur!
betul la hud, are u for real?
ntah jepon..
r u for real jugak?
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