soup soi kaw

an hour ago my friend called me,
feeling very down and disappointed with someone
...which turned out to be okay in the end!
then we had a colourful conversation,
on organisational behaviour,cajuns,johnny depp,anglo-saxons,honeymoons,
...and vibrators and strap-ons of all things!
then i said,
"eh i wanna blog lah,but i dunno wut to blog about"
to which she said,
"blog about me lah"
so here i am granting u ur wish:
she,is very impulsive and emotional,very particular that u reply her text messages,better not make her mad or else she will delete u from her messenger or skype,heh
she,is very lame lah,likes to tell lame jokes and likes to end her sentences with i am very like that eh?
she,is a good listener,can listen to me babble for hours about my dreams of marrying a cajun,or a duke,or even johnny depp
she,is caring,like a mother hen kan?very worried whether i accepted an offer or tidak and even gave me an ultimatum like i must tell her my decision on so and so date.Even my parents dont do that!haha :p
she,is quite innocent lah over ehem,certain stuff which i have to teach her because im very knowledgeable in ehem,those stuff,hahahaahaah
she,likes to say "sweat",u know like those japanese manga i think when a character gives a blur look and u can see sweat dripping at the side of his face?but instead of the sweat dripping,she actually says the word "sweat',heh :p
ok lah.thats enough for now
im very nice ooh i actually DID blog about u :p
And i know u very well kan?
i know i know ur very touched,
no need to thank me,
u can just belanja me the choc banana cake at zhang toi okay?
and i'll show u the ehem,shop at sungei wang
i know ur dying to go :)
3 commentaires:
haha i like this entry!
dont delete delete la
I like also, dun delete yea,though I know that's your hobby...HAHA~Din know u actually did blog about me,quite surprised and super touch u and will be away for 3 days!Will miss u :)
was gonna delete
but ok lah,wont delete
see how much i love u guys?
u guys read puas-puas ok
then after a month i delete,hahaha
miss gedik,
see u soon!
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