jeudi 28 juin 2007


Transformers is out today in Malaysia
and lemme tell u,
the movie is effin' A-W-E-S-O-M-E
i expected it to be good,
but not THIS good
u'll feel like crying picit-picit hati,
u'll feel like laughing till u pee in ur pants,
and the nail-biting moments and teeth-grinding moments!
robots never looked this SEX-AY before!
and the homo sapiens are sexy-sexy jugak!
be prepared to jatuh cinta with one,robots and humans alike
plus users gave it a rating of 8.5/10 in imdb!
need i say more?
please please PLEASE DO watch
i BEG you.

that being said,
here are the pics and vid from yesterday
[did u know i was actually contemplating putting them pictures in a separate entry as to not take the limelight away from the movie! yess,folks,it was THAT good]

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

14 commentaires:

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Anonyme a dit…

i dont think uk dah release this movie, bagero, lembab mcm siput babi la uk ni, terngesot ngesot

ur food on the plate mcm sedap je haha im so hungry la

Anonyme a dit…

sile lah kembali berhijrah ke malaysia..
the land of orang utan n cheap sate.

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

i agree with duli!
i wanna watch it again
and i probably will!
once w/ safiyya semua,then w/ d clyde dude prolly,then w/ the shuffling idiots!
count em THREE times folks!
memang i'll be sprouting out the dialogues like one of the casts lah by then!

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

evil deception,
imdb says it will be out in UK on the 27th of july
imdb rocks lah weyy

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

betul kata musab,
sila-lah berhijrah pulang!
not only to the land of orang utan and cheap sate,
but to US
who knows and love u the most!

Christian Girl in Harrods a dit…

pics pics pics! LOVELY! :D HEE

Anonyme a dit…

n shufflin idiots is?

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

hahaha,will send d pics to u ASAP okayy?

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

shufflin idiots are them idiots who luv to shuffle,heh

Anonyme a dit…

dont la call musab duli, haha

i dont want to berhijrah pulang, i want to berholiday pulang, thats all, huyyoo, lupa daratan dak lupa daratan dak? haha

so tidak ok, anak2

Anonyme a dit…

duli je amende ko nih
nk address pon sebot lah peno2
tak pon tuanku je pon ok..

ko ni mmg lupe daratan lah ilya

Anonyme a dit…

si duli kena buli dgn billy main guli dgn laili pakai tali ikat rosli minum bali dekat mali sampai lali buta tuli jula juli

il y a a dit…

never assume, my son, never assume
