dimanche 8 avril 2007

Formula 1

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

9 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

ko gigit adek ko ke? macam tersekse je die.

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

tak mungkin aku gigit die
die kot je yang tak betul sikit,heh
pity him kan,ha ha

hudzaifah a dit…

aku tgk kat tv, sejuk je hati. hish bes nye rumput hijau tu. besnye pokok sawit tu. bes nye bukit tu. besnye besnye. mesia gak la tempat paling bes dalam dunie.

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

kau tgk kat tv nampak the beauty of it all je
kau tak nampak kepanasan yang tahap meletup-letup
kau tak nampak the sea of hot sweaty SMELLY human beings
kau tak nampak the 3 hour traffic jam sampai sakit-sakit kaki aku drive

but ok laaa
it was worth it to see the hot sexy drivers,haha

oh plus nnt kau balik kau experience all yang aku mentioned tu ok
rugi tuu kalau tak baru proper malaysian life,heh

Anonyme a dit…

bawak auto pon bole saket ke?

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

suprisingly YES
ko tak tau aku jadi mcm org gila
kluar rumah at 12 am
sampai klia jam gila
race starts at 3
memang jalan-jalan hutan semua dah bantai cuz in a hurry
thank god my car is high,heh

il y a a dit…

menarik menarik

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

apa menarik?

il y a a dit…

the whole thing la menarik