sheer torture
i miss ibu :(
i tell ya saturday cant come fast enough
at least for me that issomething to ponder,
if i cant stand two weeks of separation,
how am i suppose to bear three years of studying abroad?
i miss ibu :(
i tell ya saturday cant come fast enough
at least for me that issomething to ponder,
if i cant stand two weeks of separation,
how am i suppose to bear three years of studying abroad?
her royal decree at 20:43
12 commentaires:
ur ibu is so cute lah! haha
eh..ur ibu pon do 125 jugak?
yeah shes so cute when taking photos!
eh to ilya n syafea
or more to ilya kot cuz syafea tak pernah tgk i think?
u think shes so cuute bila taking photos kan,
but how cute is she bila mengamuk and ayat mau pedas je,hahaha
but i love her unconditionally
yes,sirree i do
and i miss her horribly :(
taklah musab itu ibu mau perli saya,heh
bole tu nak perli anak sendiri,heh
hahaha all maks macam tu, bila mengamuk mau over the top extravagant all, kasi goyang sikit, sebenarnya tak takut pon eh haha
saya takut
saya VERY takut
Dun go then! :P
I will miss you terribly too! Cannot stand the seperation, oh no, I sound gay! hahaha ;)
it was quite takut la that one time yg involve pintu tu haha gugup!
apa jadi with the pintu???
dun lah be so sad my miss gedik
if i go u can always come visit whenevr ur in uk
i will miss u terribly too!!! :(
heheh..3yrs..skejap jek tuh..
balek every year..heh..i do..
memang ah nak balik evry year
but the rest of the year tu mcm payah je
plus im the eldest kan?
adik tak terjaga,heh
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