vendredi 4 mai 2007

the boyfriend trousers

ok this advert is so beyond adorable
i dare u to disagree with me ;p

and u gotta admit,
the pants DOES look better on her :)

5 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

iman i like this advert gilaaaaa2 tau..kalao keluar tv je mesti sing along.huhu.

Anonyme a dit…

shes better off without it..
no doubt~

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

ya Allah sakina kt pon suka gila!
tgk ulang2 pon takpe
my ibu pon suka gila,haha

and musab,
she's better of without it?
tu org horny je speaking tu ;p

il y a a dit…

ika ckp, that is way rubbish


ok la, cute la, watchable la

hudzaifah a dit…

eh, ini iklan mane punya ada? never seen before.

eh how la, die cabut that seluar then pakai balik laju2.. must learn la.