bums and tums
currently H O T [for me that is]
1.chinese chicken salad at coffee bean
2.long walks after dinner[preferably at a shopping mall,preferably again at bangsar village,new wing]
3.hot and spicy minced chicken noodle soup at Basil
4.jasmine green tea,no sugar,a teaspoon of honey
5.Pump it Up!The ultimate dance workout
6.Deanne Berry[yaya, i know very tak senonoh...but shes awesome,and my hero :)]
7.Julia Quinn's Bridgerton series
8.Johnny Depp[ya i know ive always had a thang for him...i remember back in sunway i use to spend my free time to look up his images in the net,then print,then laminate,then keep in my purse...hahaha,sad,very sad]
9.baca maulud [haha,it IS rabiul awal kan?countdown to maulidur rasul!]
10.pisang berangan[according to kakak my head is already in lovely blue cotton clouds...i dun need anything else to make me b-e-r-a-n-g-a-n more :p]
14 commentaires:
eh the one yg dkt rembau tu apa nama? yg bes jugak tu..
qasidah :)
i read that jugak :p
aint his mom told him not to play with food??
haa yesss qasidah
haha tapi he's so adorable ah, he is.. u can sit watching him all day haha
I can sit watching him all day
YOU cant :p
pls lah,isnt anything sacred??!!!
wud u be a dear and give this one to me je ilya??
pretty please?
with whipped cream and sugar and cherries on top? :p
p.s taktau ke musab,ppl that breathtaking are allowed to do whatever the hell they want,hahahahahaahhahahah...mcm addicted gila je dah,heh
hahahahahahaha OH MY GOD LA CIK IMAN!!
ketawa guling2 jatuh2 kerusi already!
i dont want him pon lahhh, amik la.. im just saying
iman iman
makeup die dlm cite nih dah macam robot..
patot la lepas tu die buat cite edward scissorhands..
dalam cerita ni die pakai lotsa makeup ke?
mcm tak pon
he looks oddly pucat tapi
but i think when he was young he memang pucat ooh
if u look at the old movies jugak
tah ah
aku da abes dl cry baby..
tp besok baru bole tgk..
got another test tomo..
eh wowwwww
kau dl kat mane????
kau nak tlg dl kan benny and joon tak?
benny & joon best?
jap aku dl..
i havnt seen it
tupasal aku suro kau dl
but its the movie from the video ni :)
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