vendredi 2 mars 2007

your royal cuteness

im missin Andrew Mccarthy
im missin HARD
movies are just different without him
but not him NOW lah
him THEN
u know,when he was a proud member of the bratpack :)
im not usually a fan of pretty boys or cute ones
but andrew mccarthy is special
his smile kan is soooo drool worthy
[haha im talking like a simpering fool je kan?]
him and matthew perry
both of them are not ur typical average heroes
BUT,they have their own charms dontcha think?
and one of em is adorable smiless .haha!
Anywaysss,here is a video dedicated to the cute Andrew Mccarthy
w/ a kickin' song too! :)

8 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

aiseh, tade sape nak komen sini plak. :p evil evil..

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

how come org lain using my account!!!!!!!

and i bet ur ass i know who it is!!!

Anonyme a dit…

hahahwahahahahhhakhhakh (gelak jahat)

tak bes ke canih? iman talk to iman. wakaka.

il y a a dit…

hahahahahaha hud kuang asam!!


matthew perry? echhhh, paaaaalaang

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

kurang best lah,heh
oyy! cepat confess!

and ilya,
like i said lah not ur typical hero
but i like him
hes cute :)

Anonyme a dit…

i like shah rukh khan more..

x susah pon..

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

ni ilya ke hud?

il y a a dit…

this is me.. yg atas tu hud.. u know, the weird one up in scotland tu haha