let us all wish
a VERY happy 20th birthday
to Miss Nadzirah Roslan!!

hope u hav a fabulous fabulous birthday darling
may all ur wishes come true and life brings u many wonderful suprises
luv u LOTS nadku sayang!
welcome to the twenties chica!!!
p.s nanti we celebrate and go ape okayyyy w/ lotsa booze :p

10 commentaires:
welcome to the twenties chica? ceh, as if awak dah 20 lah haha
korang kanak2 lg
mane bole bergaul dgn kami org dewasa
eh tak kisah lah im 20 yet or not
i will be this year so it counts apa haha :p
and musab,
that day u said kau muda
now ur dewasapulak?
make up ur mind lah
identity crisis, musab has
especially IMAN sayang!!
u soon will be joining us pon kn...in one month
P/S; asal gamba sume gedik2 nih weih
aku sebenarnya ade alergik skit sama orang yang tarikh lahir die tgh dan hujung tahun nih.. eeiwuu..
bla lah nad
sebot besday die baru nak comment
ko punye blog mane?
wajib ade skarang
eh sampai hati kata eeiwuuu ;p
and bday middle and end of year lah best
ur younger then the rest of ur friends :p
nad,u dun need to blah
but do do a blog lah! ;p
allergic??... ke jeles... die dah tue
blog??? bende lelain x terlayan nak blog..blog
hmmm..akan dipertimbangkan ok
nadzi coo coo u have toooooooooooo jugak buat blog, esp nnt dah pegi cali, ok? haha
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