Sakina is AWESOME.
today is the grandest day
a day to overcome all days
a day where miracles DO happen
today i received my package from Sakina!!
Thank you Sakina!!!!
I owe u the world okayyy
And im very touched that u actually went to all the trouble to POST the things for me
kata-lah sikit,banyak tuuu
And its practically a dream come true to get to touch all these hard-to-find novels and the NIGHT MAGIC SOUNDTRACK CD
to think that it all belongs to me now
i tell u its almost impossible to be believed.
Thank you Miss V.Q! [haha]
If ever u need anything
ANYTHING at all,
do NOT hesitate to ask
i owe u a lot for everything that u've done already
and im looking fwd to our big Euro trip nanti okayy :)))
Hope to see u soon
Now im off to enjoy my newly arrived goodies
I cant bring myself to read the novels yet terlalu sayang kan?
but i do get pleasure from just petting the books and staring at it for hours :))
11 commentaires:
awww so sweet lah awak encik sakina.. so nice lah.. iman, am i so bad a friend ke? hahaha
asal pulak ur so bad a friend?
u all semua d best of friends lah
i couldnt ask for anything more
and i seriously doubt anyone after can even compete with u guys
sebab i never sent u anything by post hahaha
laaaa ilya ni tolong-lah
i luv u no matter wut still ok
ur great lah! ;)
haha takde ah, teringat that time awak ckp, ilya awak tak penah hanta something kt kite by post haha
ehhhhhhhh kejap kejap.. on 2nd thought, nk tarik balik lah all the ayat2 before.. i did post a little something for u hafsa n nad about two weeks ago kot, but the post office mogok, so i dont know when ull get it
wait it out wait it out
nutin for me kah?
eh did i say that?
im sorry lah :(
ok ok i'll wait it out :)
why u want something ka?
haha takyah la buat :( cmtu..
i have to kasi nad ahh her stuff, bila itu mak encik mau berangkat ah? takde org pulak nk blk kl nk kirim barang
ive just realized the ms V.Q??
Whats that for?
its referring to ur card ;)
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