today Harry Potter mulai ditayangkan di cinemas around Msia
to b honest,it wasnt that good
but it was Harry Potter!!!!
and for someone who has been a Potter aficionado for so long,
the arrival of this movie is like a blessed event! ;p
and this book is,or this cerita,is even more heartbreaking because Sirius died!!!
even tho i know its coming,watching the scene itself still made me feel like my heart was literally ripped from my body and left to rot,heh
i had a huuuuuuge crush on him!
[i had a crush on snape too,to b honest,but that was before d movie came out AND before snape killed a CERTAIN someone :(]
but sirius ni kan,
even in the movie pon hes so awesome,so debonair,so dashing,so perfect.
today we also went to the salon dekat the Loreal shop in Shah Alam,
i tell u that tempat is so gud ada bilik for "wanita bertudung"
Cik Tina Banana lah took me there
and the hairstylists are gud jugak oooh
Kalu tak i usually go to Phoenix je,or Winnie's
Then,we also went to UITM
I might as well enroll and do my degree there je lah
since im such a frequent visitor kan? ;p
Tina's dorm is so awesome!
In the middle of the building mcm ada a spot of grass on a hill ke
i dont really know how to explain it so faham2 urself lah,heh
then theres a surau,a study room,a tv room fully equipped w/ astro
and one room only 2 ppl je
[hafsa,if ur reading this kan i know u'll b super jealous and if u had tina's room i bet u u wudnt be going back SETIAP HARI ;p]
my kepala sudah pusing and i feel like i wanna barf
So i'll post the pictures tomo yeahhhhhh
plus i hav the new Julia Quinn novel just waiting to be read fresh from the shop!

4 commentaires:
such place exist ka kt uitm? haha
believe it ;)
does she have to pay extra ka for all those? aih, still cannot compute uitm and those facilities together haha
no lah
medic students are given special treatments! ;p
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