mercredi 28 février 2007

a DUKE by any other name would smell as sweet :)

call me crazy
psychotic even.
but i was bored
so was browsin thru the list of dukes in the Peerage of England [hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha]
to see which of these "your graces" had a heir that is,ehem,suitable for yours truly

first one i found was one Sebastian Edward Seymour,Lord Seymour...the heir to the current Duke of Somerset
woww nama die pon dah so perfect...of course its too fancy shmancy and uppercrust laah...but ive always liked the name sebastian...has a romantic feel to it
do NOT remind me of that crustacean from the little mermaid with the exact same name,heh
born February 3,1982 [ding ding ding! perfect? i think YES :)]
it turns out he got MARRIED last year
big bummer kan :(

Next up was Henry Fitzalan-Howard, Earl of Arundel...heir to the Duke of Norfolk
Now get this,hes related to Elizabeth of England,Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard
[all three had at one time been Queen of England,although two ended up being beheaded,heh]
born 3 december 1987[ding ding ding!...again,heh]
aaaaaaaannnd,heres the best part!
In 2006, under the name Henry Arundel, he competed in the Formula BMW UK Championship, driving for Fortec Motorsport, and winning the Rookie Cup
Best gila tak best gilaaaa!!!!!
So browse-browse lah kan nak cari his picture
found it!
And decided not to pursue it further
lets just say his not my type
And his bday is dec 3 which wud make him younger than me anyways

Ive decided not to get married to a Duke[as in peer of the realm]
because lets face it,they wont want me anyways and who am i kidding
angan-angan besar je lebih :p
But,I WILL get married to a Duke
as in,his name will be Duke
ish,i also dun wan

Takpe lah
if my future hubby takde title duke pon no biggie lah
he will always be a duke to me
like i will always be his duchess
i think its nicer that way :D

lundi 26 février 2007

"the girls a super FREAK"

im B O R E D
so ive decided to test how well u guys know me okay? :)

heres a list of questions:

  • what is my full name?
  • when is my birthday?
  • what distinguising feature do i have on my face?[haha cuba get that one right,*hint*hint* it comes out when i smile :p]
  • what is my current MOST favourite food?[think hard,the one im always craving]
  • do i like soya bean?
  • do i like tauge?
  • do i like zebra stripes?
  • what do i like to call myself?
  • who would i like to marry,although its quite impossible [think hard,heres a clue "a peer of the realm" :p]
  • and last but certainly NOT the least,who is my dreamlover? [hahaha only ilya can answer this kot,tu pon because he is the hero in one of my most favourite paranormal series by one of my most favourite author...which she is now reading too :) ...try to guess that one!theres a clue in it]
  • oh! one more question: describe me in five it in a full sentence or just five single words
i doubt u can get all d questions correct :D

by the way,
would you believe the movel i was reading actually has a video on youtube :)

other than that,
lets ALL say bye-bye to ishraq
the poor boy is hitching off to Sekolah Alam Shah in Putrajaya
where he will spend all his high school years in a boarding school...
utterly miserable
i feel yer pain,duude,i really do :p

no laah
i hope it will be the best years of ur life ook wak sakawi
luff uuuuuuuu

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dimanche 25 février 2007

let me be your wings

is it too much to hope for?
for something magical?

this movie was from my childhood
and i adored this scene
now i still do
even more so :)

samedi 24 février 2007

froggy do as froggy does :D

so was browsin the net
when i came upon this website where they sell cute frog figurines!
And u KNOW how much i luuuuuurrrve KATAKS!!
so here are a few of my most favourite pics of different frog figurines,mostly frog princes!!!sigghhhhhh :D
but dun bother looking at them if u dun appreciate kataks the way i do lah :p

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vendredi 23 février 2007

the nerve

meet iman.
she has a bestfriend.
[actually she has several but she wants to talk about just this one this instant]
he is always busy with assignments and other duties
iman hardly meets him anymore
but iman doesnt mind
because she is always busy too
although not because she is studying,or even working...haha!
Back to her bestfriend
Now he is hardly free
But when he is,he likes to call iman LAST MINUTE and invite her out
The problem is,by that time, iman usually has some other prior engagements she has to attend to
so unfortunately,she has to decline her friend's offer
Now im not gonna go so far as to say that he gets angry over the dis [though its hardly a dis i assure you]
But he does get pretty irritated since it happened twice
And now more than five times
But you can hardly say its iman's fault
I mean,he does ask her out at the very last minute
And she has a life too,you know!
He doesnt have to be such a ninny
[pardon the word,the author has been reading too many historical romances of late,heh]
So what iman doesnt understand is...
Why does he have to be so pissed?
Why does he have to say such biting remarks?
And when she invites him another day,
He replies indifferently,or he has other agendas

It is getting to be a tad annoying and irritating
I mean,she can only take so much pressure
But what can she do?
She,too, longs for the olden days where they can easily hangout,or go to the movies,or go dis other people...haha!
But things arent as easy as it used to be
And he should be aware of that
And i guess both of them have issues that needs to be dealt with too
BUT he should know that
she thinks hes great because he gets her :)
he really does
[of course hes not the only one,but one of the VERY few who does]
from the wacky things they do to the crazy things they say
He makes her laugh :p
And no matter what,she still loves him
and he will ALWAYS be her bestfriend :D

On an entirely different note,
today was funnn
had a great get together w/ the girls
Havnt seen vicky and jenny since 4th of raya last year so it was great catchin up! :)
But we had this really irritating waiter
And vicky REALLY hate his guts
she was giving him the finger the minute his back was turned! haha!
But he WAS really irritating
I mean he was laughing in on our jokes and all lah
AND he even went so far as to ask me where im from???!!!
Eh,cant u tell lah
I just looked at him wierdly and said"Im Malaysian lah"
Where did he think i was from??!!!
Prague??!!! haha i WISH
heh,stupid fellow :p
But other than that it was a real funn day
Even had a great camwhore moment with siew kwan in the car during the traffic jam
heres a picture from the day

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i'll say toodles for now
cuz this post is long enough and im boooorrrreeedd
So tatatatata

jeudi 22 février 2007


this just in...

san-guine [adjective] Cheerfully optimistic,hopeful,or confident

san-guin-ary [adjective] Attended by bloodshed,characterized by slaughter

Its amazing isnt it how two words that sound so alike can have utterly different meanings
Utterly different in the sense that they are complete opposites
It makes you wonder...who actually comes up with all these words?and their meanings?

Oh! And if your wondering...I got the words from a novel i just read entitled "To Catch An Heiress" by Julia Quinn.
Good novel,and Julia Quinn has been called "Our Contemporary Jane Austen"
Which means, expect a novel from her to be with romance,an abundance of wit and brimming with humour
Just the kind you wanna curl up in bed with a glass of hot chocolate on a cold rainy day

current interest: Espionage
yess,its HOT :D

mercredi 21 février 2007


its a sure thing! an ACTUAL sure thing!
breath in,breath out

The remake of Hairspray is definitely happening!!!!!!!!!!!

For those of u who do not know,
Hairspray is a famous musical and was made into a future film in 1988
Well,ive never seen the musical
But the movie,it rocked
It was swingin
It was hot
It was all about shakin ur tail feather to the Five Du-Tones

And the soundtrack! just makes u wanna get up and shimmy on the dancefloor i tell ya

And noww the new one is nearly ooooooooooooouuuutt!!!

I was just minding my own business kan
Browsing thru imdb as i was wont to do
When suddenly i got this idea to check up on d new version of Hairspray
And whadya know!!!
Bukan saja is it set to come out in 2007,
Some of the still photographs from HAirspray[2007] pon ada!!!!!
Wowoowooowoowowowowowww gila best!!! :D

And to top it off,
this time around they hired an all-star cast
With most of my fav actors pulak too
Heres a list of my favs :)

John Travolta...Edna Turnblad
Amanda Bynes...Penny pingleton
Christopher Walken...Wilbur Turnblad
Queen Latifah...Motormouth Maybelle
Michelle Pfeiffer...Velma Von Tussle
Brittany Snow...Amber Von Tussle
James Marsden...Corny Collins

A look at the cast je u can tell it is gonna be HUUUUUUUGGGEEE!!! :)
And i cant wait to see if its gonna be as awesome as the old movie,or even better!
[i hope it wouldnt be worse because that would be a major letdown lah]

in honour of the new Hairspray coming out
I am gonna turn my blog into everything Hairspray!
Im talking the works baby!
Music,photos, and all that jazz laaah :)

ta for now
Im gonna watch the 1988 version of hairspray
WHICH is impossible to find in Malaysia
WHICH i got @ HMV real cheap abt 4 pounds
[how cool is that kan??:D]

so if u wanna know more abt d movie,
go "imdb" it ooook :D
And if u wanna watch the 1988 film
feel free to contact me to borrow it ook :D
till later

pictures from the 2007 film

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pictures from the 1988 film

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lundi 19 février 2007

set my soul on FIRE!

today i met my dream guy.
i met him on the screen.
he was clad in black leather.
He was HOT.

The guy was SMOKIN~
a cool lean sex-ay machine on a hot hot motorbike

Who is he?
None other than,

But i like the skull one lah
he is like a dream come true
But the johnny blaze tu makes my heart melt jugak lah :p
The ghost rider kan is so smooth,suave,sinful,seductive,sexy and all those other S words
And all that black leather,on a cool motorbike u can take me for a ride ANYTIME
hahahaha,gatal lebih je

And i dun mean Nicholas Cage
But he played the part perfectly jugak lah
With the lil quirks kan like him liking Carpenters
hahaha,comel je
i LOVE lah the ghost rider a.k.a johnny blaze
Or vice versa
Dia sangat HOT

So dream guy,
come take me for a ride on ur super sex-ay motorbike
Im waaaiitiiin :p

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p.s this photo is dedicated to ilya : see how cuute bila i put a picture of uu mak ayam and thank u LOTS for the ultimately thoughtful and revealing [revealing as in shows how well u know me lah] gift :D

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vendredi 16 février 2007

minah enton,ur average malay gadis kampung :)

heres a video of siew kwan
konon-konon malay
i said "ur name is siti eton" okayyyy?
she came up with...."minah enton"
clever,very clever :)

jeudi 15 février 2007

Bandung 101

so i just got back from bandung today @ about 12.01 pm
Wanted to blog earlier but was too lazy
Anywaaaaayyyssss,now im tired pulak
cuz just spent a good one hour wrapping all these enid blyton books
for mei li's birthday walk @ kindergarten tomo :)
so i'll just write wuteva comes to mind je lah

Bandung wass.....good people,good places,good food,good music,good funnnn!! :)
The place itself is so quaint,not crowded and the best part...not humid OR hot! hahaand the people kan are SO friendly
I mean,ive already known nasta and nandia
But their moms kan,are so friendly and niiiiiice
The three days went by soo fast
Filled w/shops,awesome restaurants,photo studios and even a recording! haha!
We went to popular hangouts and restaurants and i hav to say that ive seen most of Bandung
Even went to eat @ this restaurant called Wela[Warung Lela] which is macam atas bukit sikit riite
So we got to eat while overlooking the many breathtaking hills in bandung
Truly truly amazing
Oh! and they hav this radio station that goes...
"Bandung's inspiring sounds.K Lite fm ~~"
I tell u that radio station kan main lagu oldies best gila!!!
I can definitely imagine myself staying there
I mean,they hav all d necessary shops without the hecticness[such a word?] of a city

And again! the people,the people,the people!!!
Friendly gila macam dah lama kenal
They make u feel so welcomed
Nasta's family tuu baek banget
Her mom is soo niice and so funnn
Im NOT kidding
Both nasta and her were so niice bawa saya jalan-jalan
They rock lah! enough said,hahaha

it was truly truly a holiday to remember
Here are some pictures from the swingin libur :)
Others i will post to my multiply soon

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thats enough for now laah
Need to catch some shut eye :p
tomo i hav to wake up in d morn
Go to mei li's school
Watch her bday walk thingy
Then go for facial w/ Siew Kwan
Needless to say, i have to wake up waaaaayyy early
and good niiite!

dimanche 11 février 2007

mei li is FIVE!!!

so today was mei li's bday
she wanted this big shindig @ some fast food joint
but because of a recent death in the family
we did a simple get together @ home je lah
But it was funnn
cuz it was my mei li's special day :)
here are some pictures from the blessed event

others can be found @ my multiply

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oh! and while i was packing
saja je pasang "funny face" kan
annnddd,i remembered again how i LOVE that movie
Anywayss,heres a video of a scene from the movie
i know i know,im always posting videos
so sue me :p

i better get a little shut eye laah
its alredi 3.08 am and i hav to wake up @ five
for my flight to bandung
Will b staying w/ nasta till thursday and explore bandung!
Cant waaiiiittt...
nasta the dear is gonna pick me up @ d airport tomo
Im not bringing my laptop so byebye bloggin n all lah
At least till thursday
ook ook i better sleep now
So goodnite and toodles!~
wish me a safe flight :)

samedi 10 février 2007

p a m e r a n

so today was a good day
because i managed to accomplish a lot in one whole day :)

FIRST,early in the morning pegi mabecs to pay for ucas application
THen,went to OneU wanted to buy this necklace @ Diva
thought it was on sale, was NOT,heh
But i did manage to get a new pair of earrings,so it wasnt a waste of time lah :)

Went to klcc meet up w/ hafsa,sharmi n faizah
for d pameran kegemilangan sains dalam tamadun islam
which was oookk laaah
quite educational and interesting lah
dapat see the apparatus-apparatus from old ages,hahaha
main-main jap,take pictures @ the exit door

went out of klcc jap
pegi visit ilya's dad to pick up stufffsss
cuz her dad is flying tonite dah
ilya d darlin actually bought us gifts
sweet gilaaaaa
thank uu mak ayamm...luv it luv it luv it
im gonna print a picture of us to put on it kay :)

Anywayyysss,after that patah balik klcc
hahahahaha,funny je cuz wanted to buy some stuff and see shoessss
So rushing pegi kinokunya buy new novel ;)
then went searching for sharmi's pencil case
Then to buy mei li's bday present cuz tomo is her bday
My baby is FIVE!!
And lastly,to look at shoessss
Where d one i wanted dah takde stock
And d second choice dah takde size
Double bugger.
Sooo,mebbe gonna check out in Bangsar nnt lah

The day ended with all of us sakit kaki
and nearly nak tumbang2 dizzy
Or mebbe d dizzy one is just me kot,heh
But it turned out to be a good day lah cuz of all we accomplished
Anndd,i get to spend time with my cintas
Whom i havnt seen for a week
I know,mcm forever kan? ha ha ha ha
Anyywayyss its 4 am now and im sleeeeepppyy
Plus tomo is mei li's bday kan so wanna wake her up in the mornin :)
And spend the day with my family kusayang
cuz monday dah nak pg bandung dah and wont get to see em for four days
Ok im stopping now
Stop stop stoppin now
So byebye!!
gudnite and gudbye!

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us doing the egyptian mummy dance

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us doing the blood n chocolate werewolves pose

sister from anotha motha :p

so ive OFFICIALLY finished watching all 5 seasons of Ally Mcbeal for the umpteenth time
I dunno why i keep watching the series again and again AND again
but theres just something abt d series that tugs at my heart AND soul
the songs,the characters,and the stories actually create that painful feeling in the heart ooh
u know d feeling kan ilya?hahaha
the one yg rasa mcm hati kene perah-perah because its so romantic,so wonderful,so PERFECT.
And i think that Ally kan,satisfies an inner part of me ooh
the part that likes to dream,to fantasize haha
but seriously lah this series kan best gila
even managed to turn inas into an Ally Mcbeal aficionado ;)
Anyways,here are videos of my favourite scene in Ally Mcbeal
Mostly the music scenes w/ d songs i like,but heyy,
d music scenes are one of the reasons that Ally Mcbeal is so great
without em,it wouldnt be ALLY MCBEAL.

lets stay together hallucination

barry white dance- john,richard,elaine,ling

never can say goodbye hallucination

lead the way scene

vendredi 9 février 2007

sakaE sushI

so today i went out for lunch w/ siew kwan and her friend,shawn
@ sakae sushi @ the street @ the curve @ mutiara damansara

Anywayss,had a really great time
Cuz i havnt seen siew kwan since she got back from Uk
and Shawn turned out to be a really friendly guy
So cute lah watching the two of em together :)
One named monkey,one named man of jungle
ha ha ha ha ha ha
the monkey is suppose to protect the man of jungle's temple

But had tons of fun and d food was delicious too
Temaki,teppanyaki,seafood salad,teriyaki
Oh! and siew kwan had Unagi,which basically means eel
And i watched in wonder as she consumed one by one of the slippery slimey snake look alike fishy thing
I made d mistake of saying that while she was eating,haha,which resulted in her nearly gagging out all d food :p
alaaa,siew kwan u know i love u and i was only kidding
But she repaid me back laah by making me eat wasabi
WHich i hav only eaten once in my entire life,and this is d second time
And. i still dont like..blek

But it was a great catching up lunch
Oh and siew kwan,the sweetie tuu bought me this very pretty purse from Japan!
Thank you my Miss Gedik :)
Hopefully we get to meet up next week too kay
go for d facial thingy hahaha :)
Here are some pictures from d day

siew kwan and I

siew kwan and shawn

the purse siew kwan bought for me.cute innit?

other pictures are posted @ my multiply

Anywayyyss,taa for now lah

I wanna go check up on my mom

Im pretty sure theres a ceramah tonite @ masjid tmn tar

So wanna go with her lah[yess.folks,this is the new Iman ur witnessing here.the one that WILLINGLY goes to a ceramah :p]


So again,TA!

mercredi 7 février 2007

deep musings

TIME is of the utmost importance
I mean,we may think we HAVE TIME
cuz were young kan?
we hav all these years decked out in front of us
to hell with the future
were all about the here n now kan

but its not actually like that.
Recently,my uncle passed away,at 32
leaving behind his wife and his 4 year-old daughter
Can u imagine how heartbreaking it is for the wife,not to mention the daughter
And it is a great GREAT GREAT loss for our family
My uncle,he was the most religious one in all my aunties and uncles
And he was our only connection to the religion and in keeping us from becoming too stuck on worthly pleasures lah,for lack of a better word
HE was the one who taught my adiks about the religion as well as hafazan
HE was the one who always had time to pray and make extra du'a for d family
HE was the one who always lead our family during tahlils and other majlis
and now hes GONE.
and this disturbs me and saddens me because,
I lost an uncle that deeply cared for the family,
and Im also worried for my family
Wut will become of us?
Wut will become of ME?

Its funny how u thing that u have all this time in the future to better yourself
Or become more pious,and instead of putting importance on worthly goods,prepare yourself for the Hereafter.
But it doesnt work that way,
because u never know when ur last breath will be
So u cant keep on postponing your plan to be a better Muslim
It doesnt work that way

And how about ur promises to others?
Its so easy to make promises these days and think "Well, i dont have to fulfill my promise today or tomorrow or the nearest moment possible,because i still have a lot of time,dont I?"
But the truth is,you dont
What if the person u made the promise to died or went away?
What if you died?

See it all comes back down to TIME
TIME is of the essence
And we are horribly mistaken if we think that TIME will always be there for us
Basically,to put it in physical terms
TIME is ever-changing,ever-moving
And it is us who has to keep up,lest of being left behind

So dont put off today wut u could have done yesterday
Place the religion as the utmost important thing in ur life
That every act u do is to better yourself and bring u closer to Allah
Appreciate and cherish the loved ones around you

maybe then, your life would bring greater meaning to you
Who knows?

lundi 5 février 2007

the rainbow connection

this song kan
is totally my theme song
"The Rainbow Connection" by Kermit the Frog
yeap,it figures kan
just my luck to hav a theme song by a frog
albeit a very FAMOUS frog :)
plus i love frogs kan?
how many pictures of katak tergantung on my wall wut :p

Anyways,this song was originally performed by Kermit in the muppet movie in 1979
And it became so famous that lotsa singers did a cover of the song
singers like sarah mclachlan,the Carpenters,Jason Mraz and even Justin Timberlake
the song was even nominated at the Academy Awards and at Golden Globes for "Best Original Song"

And i dunno
theres just something abt the song that just screams to me
It tells my life story ooh as well as feeds my deepest desire to believe that dreams really do come true
even the impossible ones :)
Hav a look at the lyric and tell me u dont feel optimistic just by readin it
and tell me it doesnt just scream foolish whimsical ME :)

Why are there so many songs about rainbows
And what's on the other side?
Rainbows are visions, but only illusions,
And rainbows have nothing to hide.
So we've been told and some choose to believe it
I know they're wrong, wait and see.
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection,
The lovers, the dreamers and me.

Who said that every wish would be heard and answered
when wished on the morning star?
Somebody thought of that
and someone believed it,
and look what it's done so far.
What's so amazing that keeps us stargazing?
And what do we think we might see?
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection,
the lovers, the dreamers and me.

All of us under its spell,
we know that it's probably magic....

Have you been half asleep
and have you heard voices?
I've heard them calling my name.
Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors?
The voice might be one and the same.
I've heard it too many times to ignore it.
It's something that I'm supposed to be.
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection,
the lovers, the dreamers and me

oh if u wanna hear the song for urself,click on Kermit :)

samedi 3 février 2007

rock MY world.

heres some video of us rocking out mcm chickens in heat
ha ha ha ha ha
sorry-lah sharmi i just had to post it
but u look cute so jangan risau sangat ye sayang ;)

paul and paula version iman n sharmi

karma version kami

rock kapak version syafea n sharmi

dia version kami

thrill ME

u know
some ppl get a rush from a job well done
or gettin good grades
or buying new clothes and such
but for me,
its a NEW BOOK
can u just imagine the wonderfulness that is a NEW BOOK
the smell of it,the hundreds of pages
its sort of like a new territory waiting to be discovered
cuz u dont know wut the novel will bring kan?
will u like it?
will u dislike it?
will it be included in one of ur most favourite books?
the questions are endless

wut ive discovered is that
a sure fire way to pick me up when im feeling blue
is to read a NEW BOOK!
ive also come to d conclusion that,
i wud be happy to live in a mouldy library
provided u give me a sofa,lotsa books,
and sustenance once in a while [cuz obviously i dont wanna die lah kan,heh]
and the reason why im suddenly contemplating d power that books hav over me is because
i just bought one today!!

cuuuuuute kan???
cant wait to read it ;)

jeudi 1 février 2007

mommy mommy

so today was the annual anak yatim event in subang jaya kan?
and i dragged hafsa,syafea,sharmi n nad to go with me...ha ha ha
anyways,the event was pretty funnn
the ppl,the food,the activities
BUT...something,or rather someone, left a rather big impact on me

this one anak yatim
he was so cheerful
and his smile kan melts my heart
i dunno wut it is abt him
or wut makes him so special compared to d rest
mebbe its because he was so cheerful and always had a smile for everyone
i sooo wanted to adopt him
but that wud be crazy lah kan?
cuz how am i to support him :(
but, i did embarrass myself by chasing after him masa die nak balik and asking for a picture ;)
so here it is...

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a picture of me and my adopted son[i wish]

but u never know in the future
kalau ada jodoh i'll meet him again kan ;)

oh! heres a picture of us too at d event

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