mei li is FIVE!!!
so today was mei li's bday
she wanted this big shindig @ some fast food joint
but because of a recent death in the family
we did a simple get together @ home je lah
But it was funnn
cuz it was my mei li's special day :)
here are some pictures from the blessed event
others can be found @ my multiply

oh! and while i was packing
saja je pasang "funny face" kan
annnddd,i remembered again how i LOVE that movie
Anywayss,heres a video of a scene from the movie
i know i know,im always posting videos
so sue me :p
i better get a little shut eye laah
its alredi 3.08 am and i hav to wake up @ five
for my flight to bandung
Will b staying w/ nasta till thursday and explore bandung!
Cant waaiiiittt...
nasta the dear is gonna pick me up @ d airport tomo
Im not bringing my laptop so byebye bloggin n all lah
At least till thursday
ook ook i better sleep now
So goodnite and toodles!~
wish me a safe flight :)
3 commentaires:
mie lee sape?
mei li itu fatimah zahra
fatima zahra itu my sister
ada faham? :)
oo yg besdey beberape ari sebelum mine. die nanti besar mesti macho jer. eh, kalo girl ape word nye eh. wakaka aku tau laki jer. tapi pape pon sebab die lahir february mesti die macho je cam aku an.. wakakakakaka. wish her hepi besdey.
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