"the girls a super FREAK"
im B O R E D
so ive decided to test how well u guys know me okay? :)
heres a list of questions:
- what is my full name?
- when is my birthday?
- what distinguising feature do i have on my face?[haha cuba get that one right,*hint*hint* it comes out when i smile :p]
- what is my current MOST favourite food?[think hard,the one im always craving]
- do i like soya bean?
- do i like tauge?
- do i like zebra stripes?
- what do i like to call myself?
- who would i like to marry,although its quite impossible [think hard,heres a clue "a peer of the realm" :p]
- and last but certainly NOT the least,who is my dreamlover? [hahaha only ilya can answer this kot,tu pon because he is the hero in one of my most favourite paranormal series by one of my most favourite author...which she is now reading too :) ...try to guess that one!theres a clue in it]
- oh! one more question: describe me in five words...be it in a full sentence or just five single words
by the way,
would you believe the movel i was reading actually has a video on youtube :)
other than that,
lets ALL say bye-bye to ishraq
the poor boy is hitching off to Sekolah Alam Shah in Putrajaya
where he will spend all his high school years in a boarding school...
utterly miserable
i feel yer pain,duude,i really do :p
no laah
i hope it will be the best years of ur life ook wak sakawi
luff uuuuuuuu

19 commentaires:
iwannadothis iwannadothis!
ok ok,
* what is my full name?
-iman kamarudin, kamarudin with ONE d, like hafsah saleh, saleh with ONE l, pfft, it's just spelling, some people! hishh
* when is my birthday?
-19th august 87
* what distinguising feature do i have on my face?
-lesung batu i mean pipit
* what is my current MOST favourite food? char kuey teoww haha
* do i like soya bean?
-pssst iman, do you like soya bean? hahaha
* do i like tauge?
* do i like zebra stripes?
-do do
* what do i like to call myself?
-ahaha, alrite, where do we start here? there's a lady, an imania, an imogen jugak, and the one yg kt calendar awak tu i forgot haha.. but not cik im-keda, that, i remember haha
* who would i like to marry?
-ur bonafide duke hahaha i dont know lah
* and last but certainly NOT the least,who is my dreamlover?
-huh, that drake vireo the green dragon
* oh! one more question: describe me in five words...be it in a full sentence or just five single words
-iman is seorg yg sgt .. eh dah 5 words, sorry, lain tahun sambung
eh btw kan, u know i called u imkeda sharmi shawarma, what's hafsa's n nad's ah?
ur answers are.....
i wont say if its right or wrong! :D
im not imkeda so theres no use for hafsa and nad to hav any nickname jugak lah
i know it was drake d gemok pendek half dragon who deosnt go to the toilet..
drake is NOT gemuk
NOR is he pendek
he is tall,dashing,GORGEOUS
a total alpha male
a dragon to boot
woww! best gila weyy :p
heres wut ive been thinkin..
if hes half dragon..
which will be either die punye mak or bapak is human..
d messed up part is..
how in the hell did they~
ok imma stop here..
PG rated..
its iman kamarudin
19th august darling
tlglah d dimple yg sgt obvious bile u smile :D
char kuey tiaw or ginger beef kuey tiaw in mynews cafe?
u dunt like KOT soya bean
tauge is a NO-NO for u
zebra is soooo u!
kak iman.haha.a lot kot but just cudnt remember them now
bonafide duke?ghost rider?the prince frog or watsoeva u call d name la kan.
iman is iman is iman.haha
earth to musab
bole je his parents COPULATE when in human form :p
speaking of which,his mother is human :)
eh i dun remember
ye kot?
ilya betul ke?
aaawwww syafeaa
i like d last bit tuuu
so niicee
haha! :D
oyy go read the book ah musab! hahaha
mak dia yg manusia mcm kite2 ni, pak dia tu bila agak2 nk mating season transform ah kejap haha anything is possible lah haha
ey i know la ur not imkeda, terlupa je apa nama hafsa n nad, terus tak puas hati haha
gimme d book lah then..
eyh..came across ur blog..
cz tgk ibrahim's nye..
hehh..isyraq pg SAS..good school tuh..slalu SPM first..their orchestra team..mmg tahap world class..
ouh i miss those days when we shared the same instructor with SAS...
I copied and pasted,hope u won't mind, Ilya...;)
* what is my full name?
-iman kamarudin(u just added me kat facebook!)
* when is my birthday?
-19th august 87
* what distinguising feature do i have on my face?
-your lovely dimples la...
* what is my current MOST favourite food? keuy teow with loadsa oil...HAHA
* do i like soya bean?
* do i like tauge?
* do i like zebra stripes?
-LOVE,*I have a zebra stripes bag from H&M, hate me?HAHAHAHAH
* what do i like to call myself?
-A lady/Miss mengada
* who would i like to marry?
-bonafide duke in your friendster
* and last but certainly NOT the least,who is my dreamlover?
-This one I dunno, you never told me...but they said, it's drake vireo
* oh! one more question: describe me in five words...be it in a full sentence or just five single words
- You are my Miss Mengada! Nuf said ;)
hish, why is it semua org pon mahu ada facebook nowadays??
hey ella
i went to see the school
memang best gila lah
the building kan is like some posh academy
plus ade snooker table
and a power boat club
and u can take up japanese or french or a few other language
macam ideal gila lah!
unfortunately,its a boarding school kan
but, i wudnt mind :)
btw,gimme ur blog link lah :D
oyy my miss gedik! :)
it seems kan u know me quite QUITE well
and i like the last part tuuuuu :D
i am your Miss Mengada
just like
You are my Miss Gedik
luv uuuuuuuu :)
i wont dignify your question with an answer
sounds familiar???????
haha NO, refresh my memory pls
alaaa stoopid je pon
its a phrase used in bridget jones kan?
her friends said kalu mark uses that phrase tu answer her question
then break up je with him
and she did
and he had no idea why
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