its a sure thing! an ACTUAL sure thing!
breath in,breath out
The remake of Hairspray is definitely happening!!!!!!!!!!!
For those of u who do not know,
Hairspray is a famous musical and was made into a future film in 1988
Well,ive never seen the musical
But the movie,it rocked
It was swingin
It was hot
It was all about shakin ur tail feather to the Five Du-Tones
And the soundtrack! just makes u wanna get up and shimmy on the dancefloor i tell ya
And noww the new one is nearly ooooooooooooouuuutt!!!
I was just minding my own business kan
Browsing thru imdb as i was wont to do
When suddenly i got this idea to check up on d new version of Hairspray
And whadya know!!!
Bukan saja is it set to come out in 2007,
Some of the still photographs from HAirspray[2007] pon ada!!!!!
Wowoowooowoowowowowowww gila best!!! :D
And to top it off,
this time around they hired an all-star cast
With most of my fav actors pulak too
Heres a list of my favs :)
John Travolta...Edna Turnblad
Amanda Bynes...Penny pingleton
Christopher Walken...Wilbur Turnblad
Queen Latifah...Motormouth Maybelle
Michelle Pfeiffer...Velma Von Tussle
Brittany Snow...Amber Von Tussle
James Marsden...Corny Collins
A look at the cast je u can tell it is gonna be HUUUUUUUGGGEEE!!! :)
And i cant wait to see if its gonna be as awesome as the old movie,or even better!
[i hope it wouldnt be worse because that would be a major letdown lah]
in honour of the new Hairspray coming out
I am gonna turn my blog into everything Hairspray!
Im talking the works baby!
Music,photos, and all that jazz laaah :)
ta for now
Im gonna watch the 1988 version of hairspray
WHICH is impossible to find in Malaysia
WHICH i got @ HMV real cheap abt 4 pounds
[how cool is that kan??:D]
so if u wanna know more abt d movie,
go "imdb" it ooook :D
And if u wanna watch the 1988 film
feel free to contact me to borrow it ook :D
till later
its a sure thing! an ACTUAL sure thing!
breath in,breath out
The remake of Hairspray is definitely happening!!!!!!!!!!!
For those of u who do not know,
Hairspray is a famous musical and was made into a future film in 1988
Well,ive never seen the musical
But the movie,it rocked
It was swingin
It was hot
It was all about shakin ur tail feather to the Five Du-Tones
And the soundtrack! just makes u wanna get up and shimmy on the dancefloor i tell ya
And noww the new one is nearly ooooooooooooouuuutt!!!
I was just minding my own business kan
Browsing thru imdb as i was wont to do
When suddenly i got this idea to check up on d new version of Hairspray
And whadya know!!!
Bukan saja is it set to come out in 2007,
Some of the still photographs from HAirspray[2007] pon ada!!!!!
Wowoowooowoowowowowowww gila best!!! :D
And to top it off,
this time around they hired an all-star cast
With most of my fav actors pulak too
Heres a list of my favs :)
John Travolta...Edna Turnblad
Amanda Bynes...Penny pingleton
Christopher Walken...Wilbur Turnblad
Queen Latifah...Motormouth Maybelle
Michelle Pfeiffer...Velma Von Tussle
Brittany Snow...Amber Von Tussle
James Marsden...Corny Collins
A look at the cast je u can tell it is gonna be HUUUUUUUGGGEEE!!! :)
And i cant wait to see if its gonna be as awesome as the old movie,or even better!
[i hope it wouldnt be worse because that would be a major letdown lah]
in honour of the new Hairspray coming out
I am gonna turn my blog into everything Hairspray!
Im talking the works baby!
Music,photos, and all that jazz laaah :)
ta for now
Im gonna watch the 1988 version of hairspray
WHICH is impossible to find in Malaysia
WHICH i got @ HMV real cheap abt 4 pounds
[how cool is that kan??:D]
so if u wanna know more abt d movie,
go "imdb" it ooook :D
And if u wanna watch the 1988 film
feel free to contact me to borrow it ook :D
till later
pictures from the 2007 film

pictures from the 1988 film

16 commentaires:
ahaha i remember this one
the movie best kan? :)
saya tidak suka amanda bynes..
saya suka
die LAWAK :D
shes not ur typical female actress
ya tp kalau tgk the amanda manda manda mandaa showw tu, bluerrghhh.. rasa nk plaster je mulut dia.. tapi in movies not bad ah
amanda show tu memang laah
zaman muda plus her voice nyaring semacam kan
but her movies best lah!
take shes the man for example
funny gila je :D
saya tidak suka shes the man..
saya suka robots
saya tak pernah tonton robots
and shes the man best laah
lawak gila :p
itu amanda bynes one hell of a comedian,haha
saya suka a bugs life..
n still tidak suka amanda bynes..
seinfeld, now hes a hell of a comedian..
robots is best
i like ben stiller dgn adam sandler
hahaha tak relevan siott
eh i like ben stiller n adam sandler jugak!!!
i especially like zoolander!
zoolander bes..
the blue steel and le tigre was awesome..
and magnum..
its just superb~
ok iut lawak oook
didnt u notice something SIMILAR?
of d 3 looks?
but hands down best movie laah tu
but part malaysia tu kurang ajar sikit,heh
n i thot u know sumtin bout fashion..
did u know yg ben stiller ckp melayu dgn OUR prime minister..
after he saved him..
ade dekat lapan kali ulang baru dpt tangkap ape die ckp..
"bagi dunia fashion,kami mengucapkan, sama2 perdana menteri"
yeaa i KNOW
bila dengar CAREFULLY only u can really tell that hes speaking malay
walaupun bunyi cam pelik gila je
dah la jahat je buat pm malaysia macam sami buddha kan
but that movie kan
one of ben stiller's best lah
yang hansel tu pon bangang ooh
nak battle catwalk
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