set my soul on FIRE!
today i met my dream guy.
i met him on the screen.
he was clad in black leather.
He was HOT.
The guy was SMOKIN~
a cool lean sex-ay machine on a hot hot motorbike
Who is he?
None other than,
But i like the skull one lah
he is like a dream come true
But the johnny blaze tu makes my heart melt jugak lah :p
The ghost rider kan is so smooth,suave,sinful,seductive,sexy and all those other S words
And all that black leather,on a cool motorbike u can take me for a ride ANYTIME
hahahaha,gatal lebih je
And i dun mean Nicholas Cage
But he played the part perfectly jugak lah
With the lil quirks kan like him liking Carpenters
hahaha,comel je
i LOVE lah the ghost rider a.k.a johnny blaze
Or vice versa
Dia sangat HOT
So dream guy,
come take me for a ride on ur super sex-ay motorbike
Im waaaiitiiin :p
p.s this photo is dedicated to ilya : see how cuute bila i put a picture of uu mak ayam and thank u LOTS for the ultimately thoughtful and revealing [revealing as in shows how well u know me lah] gift :D

26 commentaires:
double post..
n i think eva mendes is the hottest..without doubt lah..
tak lah
itu ghost rider sangat hot lah
i cannot tahan lah
i gatal lah
but seriously
whoooh...short of breath lah in his presence
cmon baby light my fire~~~
tapi still tak boleh lawan ur mental image of drake vireo kan kan kan? hahahaha
alolololo cute gilaaaaaaa.. the pic and the clip, the whole thing ahh cute miut like kitten in a candy floss so sweet melekit2!
drake will always and forever
be number ONE in my heart
And MY heart only
so none of ur crappy ideas of nak kongsi or anything yeah
go find ur own lah :p
very very sweet kan
WE are very very sweet :D
but hopefully not melekit kot :p
err hello balik
drake is soo not for your keep only, alrite
plus, i bet you my version is wayy better than urs anyway
and plus, sharing is caring
so, like, wut-evvva
*finger snappings head movings*
ok u can cross the melekit bit haha
"finger snapping head moving"
im imagining u doing it in real life
eh mana bole
i thought i made it clear alredi
drake and sam shik are miiiine
because I discovered them first
so kiranya saya ada power lah
go find ur own :p
ntah ape2 je..
mereka pon tanak pada kamu..
see see see, tamak! haloba! iman, ingat, awak tu perempuan, perempuan can only kawin satu at a time, unlike lelaki yg boleh kawin 4 sekali gus, eww, muntaah
point is, u settle with ur version of drake ill settle with mine, as been said before, my version is wayy better than urs pon hahaha
and sam shik tu.. well.. he's real ah.. so tak boleh nk berebut2 sgt haha
and musab, shadup u
mana bole ade dua versions of drake!!!
mana best camtu
kene lah satu je baru best
baru unique :p
and so i still believe that I deserve him :p
and i dont want sam shik as in the actor
i want sam shik as in the character
sooooo i still hav a chance lah! :p
oh yeah musab shadup u :p
lemme mess up dat imaginary drake of urs tuh..
ok here's drake final version:-
gemok pendek.
botak tp jambang besepah.
gigi kuning berterabor.
gusi hitam karat.
muke peno jerawat n bisol summore..
chew tobacco..
booze n mabok all the time..
d gud thing is..he wash his hands after went to the WC.n he loves his mum very very much..
hrmmm.. pk kejap.. taknak ah.. nk settle for mine jugak hahaha
sam shik tu i just want his attitude je, boleh? yg muka n everything else u can have it ah darling hahaha
speaking of which, mana dvd saya? hahahaha
haha that is one screwed up imagination ah musab.. takpe takpe, cuba lagi lain tahun
musab punya version of drake tu tak best langsung
plus,u cant reka an imaginary drake lah hon.
u know why??
because i like the one that katie macalister dreamt up
that MEANS...i alredi hav an idea of how he looks like AND act
plus,hes half dragon
EVERYONE knows that half-dragons dont look d way u desribe tu :p
and im not sure
does dragons even use WC?
and ilya dear,
isnt that wut i said?
i dont like sam shik the person
actor or wutnot
but i like him the character
so were back to square one lah
cuz its impossible to hav d character without the attitude :P
ur dvd is one of the things i wanna pass niii
and another stuff laa
gimme ur aunts num laa :p
ok..if like dat..
add a pair of wings..
horns n a tail..complete la kot..
hes half dragon..wuts d other half? can he not use WC?
if someone gonna be my dream lover..shes definitely have to know how to use the toilet..
n use it lah kan..
whats d point knowing n still 'go' anywhere u like..
dragon or not..
wut if he doesnt 'go' at all?
gila wierd kan?
eh i dun mind the tails wings and horns laa
it just makes him hotter in my book
again,gila wierd kan? :p
people, sigh, im done
now go get a life
phone num tu ill give later ah kot.. pasal dia tak sure lagi dia fly bila
i do hav a life
but it will be utterly perfect if i can just...have...drake!!
that wud definitely be the icing on the cake!!!
or is that d right phrase?
icing muak..
kalo cream or chocolate ok..
tp kalo ice cream mmg d best lah..
ntah pape..comment memane pon sebot pasal food je..
icing, you know mak kite ami sugar craft kan, ada satu icing ni dia buat cute gilaa.. nnt kite tunjuk..
anyway, haha
best toping on a cake, involves pecan or walnut.. kan kan? kan tak? kan kaann
ayo, here we go again ah
i was talking about a figure of speech
the icing on the cake...
betul ah tu kannn?
u guys yg made it about food n all :p
yes,yes ilya i wanna see the picture!! :D
aku nk pegi secret recipe makan cake kejap lagi..
salah korang lah nih..
nk pi secret recipe nnt mkn classic cheese ingat kt aku ok? daulat aku! howyehh!
ish u know secret recipe from my house kan
bole jalan kaki memang best gila je
eh tapi u know where best ilya
awak pegi harrods ada franchise that french patiserrie "laduree"
ya ALlah macam heaven gila!!
imagine macaroons and little pastries and other delicacies
and hot chocolate w/ creaaaam
and tempat die kan gilded chairs and white marbles and chandeliers!!!
nothing compares to it lah :D
tahu, awak cerita masa tu.. thing is iman, tmpt mcm tu they also require more money = i have to have money, however, i dont have any = cannot go there = end of story
ok ok
camni laaah
kt saving gila gila punya saving
when ade event or special event
we go there together as a treat!!
ok takkkk? :D
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