mercredi 18 juillet 2007


kiss me kate.
or kathryn
or katie
or katya
whichever you prefer,really.

today i watched Harry Potter again
and it was just as fabulous the second time around
its funny how you can get all choked up with emotions over a simple story
but...there you go

parking was...
now it would be too nice to say that parking was a bitch
no no no,to be completely honest[as i usually am ;)]
would be to say that parking is a manipulative crackwhore desperate to get her grubby hands on any spare cash to pay for her latest fix.
i hate you,KLCC carpark.How i hate you

on a more happier note,
i recently finished reading this darling little book entitled
"Have Glass Slippers,Will Travel"
See?even the title is simply darling
the heroine is an awestruck American newly arrived in England and desperate to catch herself a titled husband
the hero is a handsome,albeit rumpled,duke.An impoverished one.Who grows vegetables for a living
Adorable kan? ;)

Before i end this post,
i would like to add that i am now the proud owner of Sandra Hill's latest novel,Pearl Jinx!
Sequel to Pink Jinx
And i am preparing myself for an hour of fun-filled escapades and treasure hunts with drool-worthy men and bold,spunky females.

p.s pictures from lunch today w/ musab,siew kwan,shawn,peter[sk's uni mate],jia pin[sk's primary mate]

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4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

question of the week:

why do you hate chick lit eh?

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

eh i dun hate chick lit pon

Anonyme a dit…

i remembered something u said kt kinokuniya that time, u cannot tahan chick lit.. it was u lah.. i think haha

Iman Kamarudin a dit…

eh did i really say that?
i dun hate chick lit ape
i hav no feelings wutsoever for it,haha
give me a good one i'll read it for sure ;p