someone just kill me now
Ive been living like a zombie these past couple of days
wake up,study a bit,
then drift the night away chatting or reading books or watching movies
its not the kind of existence i would recommend even on my worse enemy!
Its a tad too redundant for my taste
but thats what I have to suffer through
At least till exams are over :p
a quick updates:
I have recently decided to grow my own herb garden
I am utterly disgusted by those dry junk u can buy in bottles
Thus have decided to grow my own fresh herbs :)
Currently I have parsley and chives,
will add dill and rosemary to my garden soooooon!
Even if its the beginning of 2009
I feel this kind of change in me
I feel more [ brace urself] mature
lately ive been talking to a lot of teenagers [I will explain why later]
And i find that I dont have the same energy levels that they have anymore
I mean dont get me wrong, i can still get ecstatic and enthusiastic over things
But im a bit more mellow now
And if i like something its with a quiet more heated passion
less of a screaming i wanna DIE RIGHT NOW obsession
[that teenagers are usually so fond of,haha...blame it on teen angst]
Heres another kinda funny thing
I find that I like Robert Pattinson [lol!]
Dont get me wrong,
I dont fancy him in the "OMG I WANNA MARRY YOU YOUR SO CUTE" kinda obsession
but more of,
wow u do good movies
wow ur wierd its endearing
wow ur actually a decent musician
wow ur really funny
[completely the opposite of Edward Cullen if u must now]
I kinda like his songs
And he is in this movie "How to be" which is a really brilliant artsy film
The movie has been playing at several film festivals
And even won several film festival awards
[and Rob himself won an award at the Strasbourg Film Festival!]
Its not out yet in cinemas or DVDs
have a look at the trailer ;)
I can hardly wait to watch it
its very james mcavoy in "inside im dancing" :)
the songs from the movie are fabulous too,
its the kind of music im listening to more and more these days
will post it on my blog soon :)
Another fabulous movie is "Little Ashes"
where Rob will be playing SALVADOR DALI!
[i told u he gets the most interesting roles :p]
I really like salvador dali
in fact, we were gonna go to his museum back in Montmarte,Paris
but it costs 6 euro,so the others didnt really feel like going
and I wasnt up to going alone :(
This movie seems good as well, check it out
what a movie aye :)
ok have to go back to my chatting :))
Im making loads of friends nowadays
Shall tell u why later
heh heh heh heh heh
2 commentaires:
stop it stop it!
eternal twilight! haha remember, no psychopath, if so, ditch
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