a DUKE by any other name would smell as sweet :)
call me crazy
psychotic even.
but i was bored
so was browsin thru the list of dukes in the Peerage of England [hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha]
to see which of these "your graces" had a heir that is,ehem,suitable for yours truly
first one i found was one Sebastian Edward Seymour,Lord Seymour...the heir to the current Duke of Somerset
woww nama die pon dah so perfect...of course its too fancy shmancy and uppercrust laah...but ive always liked the name sebastian...has a romantic feel to it
do NOT remind me of that crustacean from the little mermaid with the exact same name,heh
born February 3,1982 [ding ding ding! perfect? i think YES :)]
it turns out he got MARRIED last year
big bummer kan :(
Next up was Henry Fitzalan-Howard, Earl of Arundel...heir to the Duke of Norfolk
Now get this,hes related to Elizabeth of England,Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard
[all three had at one time been Queen of England,although two ended up being beheaded,heh]
born 3 december 1987[ding ding ding!...again,heh]
aaaaaaaannnd,heres the best part!
In 2006, under the name Henry Arundel, he competed in the Formula BMW UK Championship, driving for Fortec Motorsport, and winning the Rookie Cup
Best gila tak best gilaaaa!!!!!
So browse-browse lah kan nak cari his picture
found it!
And decided not to pursue it further
lets just say his not my type
And his bday is dec 3 which wud make him younger than me anyways
Ive decided not to get married to a Duke[as in peer of the realm]
because lets face it,they wont want me anyways and who am i kidding
angan-angan besar je lebih :p
But,I WILL get married to a Duke
as in,his name will be Duke
ish,i also dun wan
Takpe lah
if my future hubby takde title duke pon no biggie lah
he will always be a duke to me
like i will always be his duchess
i think its nicer that way :D
17 commentaires:
this henry..
does he have a sister?
i hav no idea
go lah look thru d net
wealthy tuu :p
ha a laa, he looks like an albino
memilih bukan maen..
no wonder tada bf..
uish,tadela sampai albino
tapi mcm budak kecik kan?
and musab,
bukan memilih sangat
tapi kene lah pleasing to d eye
dat henry tu handsome apa..
tade mcm bdk kecik pon..
n skrg kan trend women older than d guys..
yess laah
mcm kanak-kanak
i prefer dark haired guys laa
fit with scars all over their body
gila cuak tak?? :P
memilih? its all in the blood, man! hahaha
sokay2, i dont need one pon skarang.. tunggu 3rd year uni.. masa2 critical tu then, bammm!! we bag an english man alrite iman? hahaha
omigod, kalau semua org ikut trend tu kan, imagine budak umur 15tahun dgn.. someone younger.. ewww.. sick sick sick
musab sick
i dun want english man lah kot
i want....
russian bole?
or czech pon best jugak :D
but kan,
english pon best jugak lah
interpol agent lagi best :D
i wanna add...
a dishy bloke from scotland yard pon best lah
only if hes dishy
or tak dishy pon
virile lah
ok scratch dishy i want virile
a total alpha male bole?
macam gatal gila je
musab tolongggg, iman dah naik sawannnn
tade la sawan, rilek jer
dah ah guna account org
pretending to be me pulak tu
hahaha ey mak pon, kau ni takde keje lain ke nyah?
russian? err.. ooookay.. haha i want a greek.. ingat tak my greek phase, ya rabbi mak datuk, mcm gila eh?? hahaha
aku x sick..
sape suro kecik2 da menggatal sgt??
tgu la tue sket..
mcm ko tu..kalo da 25 patu dating a 20..
tade la nmpak sgt..
lagi skali i want arab+hindustan+latin..
tp rambut tuka tanak blonde..
hitam kopi o pekat..
mate biru..
ada ada ada ada ada??
tell me~
kat south africa tak tipu punya
pegi lah korek kat sana
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